Health Fitness

Causes of water retention in the body

If you think you are suffering from fluid retention (also known as fluid retention, or sometimes swelling or edema), you probably have a swollen belly or swollen hands, feet, or face. Water retention causes swelling in any part of the body. Excess water leaks out of the smallest blood vessels and collects in the spaces between them and the cells…

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Health Fitness

Ketogenic diet

Although nowhere near was widely known as it was in the 1990s, when the Atkins diet was seemingly inescapable, low-starch ketogenic eating methodologies are still deeply considered in many circles as viable and compelling weight loss diets. The following tips will help you maximize your success with a ketogenic diet. 1.) Drink large amounts of water. While on a ketogenic…

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Health Fitness

Pre- and Post-Workout Strategies for Kettlebell Training

Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Strategies for Kettlebell Training The correct nutrition plan and timing of your meals or supplements before and after your workouts are some very important components to think about when training with kettlebells. This article will shed some light on these key factors and discuss some nutrition guidelines, so you can get to work when you’re doing…

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Health Fitness

My thoughts on cardio

My personal beliefs in cardio vary widely. I find that cardio does a lot of different things to my body; some affect me well and others not so much. I will share with you my personal experience with cardio. First of all, you’d better explain what cardio is. In my books, cardio is any activity that takes place over a…

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Health Fitness

A 500 calorie whole diet plan

Today, people are extremely conscious of their physical condition and health. That is why they are adopting different diet plans to get a smart and attractive body. Each person’s calorie needs depend on different factors such as activity level, age, and weight. However, in general, a man who diets needs about 1,700 to 2,000 calories per day and a woman…

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Health Fitness

Cut Sugar and Eat Saturated Fat to Fight Obesity – Part 3

Cut sugar, eat more fat and lose weight and be healthier. Adjusting to a sugar-free diet that has far fewer carbohydrates than “normal” diets that increase obesity means having to substitute something else for sugars. That ‘something’ is healthy fats. Eating fat to prevent obesity and lose weight may seem quite counterintuitive because it goes against dietary advice issued by…

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Health Fitness

Overcome Sugar Cravings – Why Do I Crave Sugar?

Sugar is in virtually everything we eat, and the sugar found in most foods is nutritionally scarce and refined. Refined sugar = empty calories. So it may seem that the craving for sugar doesn’t have a nutritional basis, but it does, we just choose to choose the wrong type of sugar and within this there is an emotional or addictive…

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Health Fitness

Losing weight playing badminton

Many of you here would like to lose weight. Today I’m going to show you a sport that I think is not only fun, but can also help a person lose weight. Playing badminton is fun. And you will lose a lot of weight without even realizing it. Now, what are the main benefits of playing badminton? The main benefits…

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Health Fitness

How the Sankom Swiss Diet Program Works

The Sankom Swiss Diet Program is a natural weight loss system based on dietary fiber that promotes health. Developed over many years by a team of doctors and scientists. Received a gold award for best dietary product at Expo 2010, the world’s largest exhibition of natural and organic products, it has a high independent recommendation, but how does it work?…

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