Health Fitness

Pros and cons of eating nuts

Who says little things can’t be special? At least, this is not the case with walnuts. In fact, these small packets are powerhouses of healthy nutrients for your daily nutrition. Although they are super foods rich in health, there are many myths related to them. Despite the scientific claims and facts, many people still believe that eating nuts can make…

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Health Fitness

Myths about burning abdominal fat

1. Belly Fat Burning Myth: Exercising Makes You Hungry, So You Eat More The fact is: Don’t believe this myth or you’ll start skipping a workout here and there. The truth is that exercising actually suppresses your appetite. If you’re wondering if this is true, it could be because your post-workout thirst mimics hunger (when you’re dehydrated), so you thought…

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Health Fitness

Eating disorders: What are the signs I could be suffering from?

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia are becoming more common. They mainly affect adolescents and young women, but older men and women can also suffer from an eating disorder. Anyone with this medical/psychological condition should be treated as soon as possible to avoid serious health complications. Early detection and treatment can literally save lives. There are certain signs…

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Health Fitness

How to set up an intermittent fasting diet

Welcome to Intermittent Fasting 101. This is an introduction or guide to the setup that I personally use for intermittent fasting for fat loss. Here is the extremely basic summary of how it works: * On training days, eat 9 hours a day and fast the remaining 15. * On days off or cardio, eat 6 hours a day and…

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Health Fitness

Most common mistakes made when losing weight

When you want to lose weight, you know that you need to eat healthier and exercise more. You start out full of energy and discipline, but it is always more difficult than you initially thought. That belly just gets in the way and the pounds don’t fly off with lightning speed. Keeping up with your new lifestyle demands a lot…

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Health Fitness

Quick weight loss tips for a healthy lifestyle

You have made the decision to commit to a personal lifestyle change and lose those extra pounds that have been dragging you down. Congratulations on the first of many steps! You could be the most determined dieter in the world and follow a diet to the letter, but hunger and the feeling of need are always lurking. And once the…

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