Health Fitness

The best nutritional supplements for weight loss

Even without trying to lose weight, there is no longer any question about the importance/necessity of taking food grade vitamin/mineral supplements. The fact is that the foods from which we are supposed to get all our nutrients are not nearly the same as they used to be 30 years ago. GMO foods, overgrown soils, and pesticides are creating products with…

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Health Fitness

The difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises

Many people mistakenly believe that all vigorous forms of exercise are aerobic in nature. However, some forms of vigorous exercise are actually anaerobic and have a very different effect on the body. If you’re just starting out with an exercise regimen, this information will help you tell the difference between the two and tailor your workouts accordingly. So what exactly…

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Health Fitness

Weight Loss: 5 Tips for Success (For Men Only)

Weight Loss: What works for women doesn’t necessarily work for men. Compared to women, men rarely seek professional advice when it comes to losing weight. And if they do, they certainly won’t bother with the food pyramid or calorie count. What works for men and what doesn’t? New research from the Self-Help, Exercise, and Diet Using Information Technology (SHED-IT) trial…

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Health Fitness

10 Reasons to Cut Sugar Into Your Diet

It has been several years since we were told to reduce the salt in our diets. Then we were told to cut back on sugar because researchers have linked it to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and many complications related to these disorders. In 2016, the general advice is to completely eliminate sugar from your diet. This is, of course, tricky…

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Health Fitness

Racquetball for weight loss

Weight loss can be achieved through a few different procedures. The three main ways to lose weight are to exercise more, eat healthier, or eat less food in general. In this article we will discuss how you can exercise more but do it while doing something fun; Racquetball! There is a small percentage of the population that actually enjoys going…

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Health Fitness

Can you skip the lean, green food on Medifast?

I get a lot of questions about medifast “lean green food”. If you’re not familiar with this, it’s the largest meal you make each day while on this diet. You can eat five prepackaged meals a day that you really just have to prepare. But, “lean and green” requires a bit of food preparation. However, you can also do this…

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Health Fitness

How to cater vegan

Veganism is a popular lifestyle that comes with a long list of mental and physical benefits. If you’re a practicing vegan, or need to plan a party for an upcoming vegan event, you’ll appreciate these vegan catering tips! Read on to learn how you can cater your party with a vegan food spread. What is veganism? To better understand how…

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Health Fitness

When it gets worse with EFT before it gets better

There are at least partial results every time you do an EFT session. This is true whether you are doing EFT on your own or with a practitioner. And tappers usually feel better between sessions than when they first started working on the particular issue with EFT. However, on occasion, the symptoms worsen after a session. Why is this and…

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