Health Fitness

Simple ways to transform your health

In the Power Tools to Success podcast episode, we spoke to Ronald Abvajee, a health and fitness expert, to ask how you can transform your health and fitness in just ten days. The subject of health and fitness is not an easy one, there is too much conflicting advice for diet and so is exercise programs. In life you are…

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Health Fitness

Follow a diet for gallstones

The foods you eat play an important role in your health and well-being. When harmful foods and drinks are consumed in excess, this often results in illnesses that can be fatal or fatal. In recent decades, more and more people have developed gallstones due to poor diet and bad habits. The cure for gallstones is expensive surgery, but it can…

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Health Fitness

How to successfully keep up with your diet

To stay on top of your healthy diet, you need to give yourself time to eat mindfully. You would also need time to relax after a hard day at work or doing housework. Also, reserve half an hour a day to exercise. How can you achieve all those goals? 1. As a mother and a housewife, delegate household chores. This…

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Health Fitness

Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss you need to know

Consuming fewer calories than you burn can lead to instant weight loss on any type of diet. Most vegetarians interested in losing weight focus primarily on consuming whole foods and fresh vegetables. However, for a vegetarian to lose weight quickly, moderate calorie intake and body exercise are still required. Basically, a vegetarian diet should follow exactly the same healthy eating…

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Health Fitness

5 ways to fit exercise into your busy schedule

Finding time to exercise when you have a full schedule can be difficult. When you shift your mindset from exercising as just one more thing cluttering your daily to-do list, to thinking of it as an escape from your daily routine, you’ll find yourself looking forward to your “free time” to exercise. Even if you only put in 20 to…

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Health Fitness

Running tips for overweight people

If you are overweight and want to lose weight running, congratulations because you have just made the right decision. Running is one of the best exercises for weight loss because not only will it instantly burn off excess calories and fat, but it will also improve your fitness level and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Here we have compiled…

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Health Fitness

NordicTrack FreeStrider 35 SI – Innovative features for you to train in style

The Nordic Track FreeStrider 35SI is a challenge for any fitness level. 20 preset workout programs mean this machine gives you variety without a boring workout. The heavy-duty frame has a 300-pound capacity. Even long time trainers can benefit from the 12 resistance levels. The smooth movement of the pedals, supported by the from-drive system, together with the gel cushioning…

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Health Fitness

Exercises to Lose Body Fat

Body fat tends to accumulate around the midsection, especially on me. Getting rid of it is much harder than gaining it, as most people know. There is no quick fix, magic pill or magic potion that will allow you to lose weight. The only thing that really works, apart from liposuction surgery, is exercises to lose body fat. Basically, hard…

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