Lifestyle Fashion

Hiking clothing: what to wear on the trail

Hiking is one of the most popular hobbies in the world; however, what do you need to be a hiker? Well, a steep slope is a good start, but what about your clothes? You want to be comfortable and protected while on the trail. What kind of clothes should a hiker wear, let’s take a look and find out.

If you hike regularly, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one outfit, the weather should have a key influence on the style of clothing you should wear. A great tip for all hikers would be to layer clothing, which is essentially layers of clothing, this way you can always change clothes quickly and easily, which in turn allows for maximum comfort. If you want to avoid feeling sticky and damp through perspiration, it is recommended to use polyester microfiber as a base layer.

Another key component in your hiking clothing decision should be length. You don’t want to leave any part of the skin showing (other than the face), as this could cause skin burns, scrapes, bites, or chafing. So if the day is hot, wear something long that has breathable materials, so you can stay safe but cool.

Waterproof clothing is also extremely useful, even if you don’t wear it to begin with. My recommendation would be a waterproof cagoule, which is lightweight, easy to carry and easy to kit out, but also does an effective job of braving the rain.

Let’s not forget the shoes! To decide on the best footwear, you must answer the question, where am I going? If you are going to be walking through rocky terrain then durable footwear should be your main concern, however if you are walking through the woods then you can opt for something lighter. Make sure your footwear is always comfortable no matter the environment, due to the amount of time you’ll be walking. Socks are also extremely valuable, there are socks that reduce friction, however walking, wearing two pairs of socks can be just as effective.

As for head protection, it’s always a good idea to wear a hat to prevent sunburn or to protect yourself from the rain. It’s also a good idea to wear high UV protection sunglasses, as the sun can be a plague when it comes to navigating rougher terrain.

If you walk in the snow, then your clothes should be very different from this. Polyester clothing is essential as it does not retain perspiration, which in cold conditions can become chilly and dangerous. Your clothing should also be windproof and waterproof. However, layering clothing is essential as you don’t know how cold it’s going to get, so wearing too much clothing is much better than not having enough.

As many hikers will know, there are a variety of stores that offer specialized hiking clothing, and you should always look for the items listed above, as these will be the items that are best suited to ensure you have an enjoyable experience. .

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