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What is the history of stain removers?

When your child asks the question ‘what’s the history of stain removers’, you don’t really have to search for words. Here is an overview of using different natural materials, soaps, and detergents to remove stains.

The first of all stain removers is plain water. People find it easy to wash the mud in a stream or river.

The history of cleaning agents goes back to the ancient Babylonian culture. Soap-like materials were evacuated from the ancient Babylonian remains. The remains of 4500-5000 years also have a detailed description of the manufacture of such materials. However, it is not clear if they used the mixed material of grease and ash for cleaning purposes.

Ancient Egyptian, Roman, Japanese, Greek and Chinese cultures paid attention to cleanliness and used different materials for cleaning.

The Chinese used the fruit of the soap nut tree (Sapindus Mukorossi) to clean soft silk clothing. The walnut produced a soap-like material, which thoroughly cleans silk and is gentle on fabric.

Soap making began in Europe in the 7th century. Soap making in Europe was mostly a family tradition and people kept the soap making technique a secret. They used animal fat and vegetable oils to make soap. They also knew the technique of adding perfumes to soap to obtain fragrance. The soaps were used for bathing and washing clothes. Italy, Spain and France were the leaders in the manufacture of soap.

Large-scale soap-making began in 1791, with the invention of a process for making soda ash from common salt by the French scientist Nicholas Leblanc. Several advances came to the Leblanc soap method. The cost and time to make soda ash were reduced.

German scientists developed a method to make cleaning agents without vegetable oil or animal fat. This chemically synthesized material is called detergent. This is harder than soap (which is produced from fat and oil). This happened in 1916, when the availability of fats and oils was scarce.

The use of enzymes for the manufacture of detergents was a great advance in the manufacture of detergents. Detergents without enzyme content are also available today, but the biggest push is in detergents with added enzymes. However, there are different environmental problems associated with the use of enzymes in detergents.

Later research produced higher quality detergents at lower cost. Detergents eventually overtook soap as the preferred cleaning agent.

Subsequent research on cleaning products focused on safety for users and the environment, ease of use, and lower production costs. Detergents and soaps are available in cake, powder and liquid form. Detergents that mix well with salt water are also readily available on the market.

That is the story of stain removers, which began as a mixture of grease and ash or vegetable products, which, with the advancement of research facilities, has grown to such high proportions that today everyone can afford to use it. have a stain remover of your choice. . Read More Carpet Cleaning Tips From A Professional Carpet Cleaner.

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