Lifestyle Fashion

If when you die you return to a State of Nothingness (No Memories/Consciousness)…?

Someone once asked…

“If, when you die, you return to a state of nothingness (no memory/consciousness), what’s the point of doing anything in life?”

As a metaphysics student and clinically trained hypnotherapist, my answer to that question is this…

“Who says we come from nothing and return to nothing? We are more than a physical shell that walks around this planet. That shell houses energy, and energy never dies, it just changes form. Others besides Einstein have You know. We just morphed or morphed into phases.” a different dimension when we stop experiencing physicality due to irreparable illness, disease, or the heart simply fails.

The real you… the one that experiences non-physical sensations such as emotions and expresses personality, is timeless. He (you) came to this dense 3D realm to experience this life and interact with others. We were ALL born with spiritual amnesia, so it’s no wonder we don’t remember anything. This is a school of learning – a test. So what is the point?

We are here to learn to experience and return unconditional love and to be more accepting of others. We are here to learn patience and compassion and to express gratitude for what we have. We are here to learn to live in peace among others who are here for the same purpose as you. Can you express compassion, acceptance, and appreciation for all of life? How are you doing with your lessons? Earth is a tough school.

Whether you use the term God, Prime-Creator, or Source, that ultimate energy or consciousness is what balances all life on all planes of existence. Everyone is responsible and every action has consequences. Nothing is lost or goes unnoticed. Ultimately, we live in a balanced and logical multiverse. When an action “seems” to go unnoticed, rest assured there will be a reckoning for the offender in this life or the next.

God-Prime Creator-Source has allowed us to experience a truly “hands off” free will existence where everything seems to go. This is part of the test. What would you do if you “think” no one is watching and you can get away with it? Many seem to believe that this is true, but it is not. Accountability and reckoning will always unfold at some point. What goes around comes around…eventually, if not immediately.”

As William Shakespeare once said, “All the world is a stage, and all men and women are mere actors; they have their exits and their entrances, and a man in his day plays many parts.”

Keep living, growing, expressing yourself and loving! School hasn’t finished yet. When he is, what will others say about his completed mission here?

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