Lifestyle Fashion

Saltwater Flush: Bathe Inside

Interest in the Master Cleanse diet has skyrocketed of late, and this interest has also popularized the Salt Water Flush, which is recommended to go along with the Master Cleanse. However, the salt water rinse can also be done on its own. For reasons you will soon discover, it is the most effective colon and intestinal cleanser and does not require expensive or invasive procedures.

The Salt Water Flush is an ancient Ayurvedic intestinal and body cleanse. It purifies the digestive system from top to bottom and leeches impurities from the organs. The two goals of any cleanup are to mobilize debris and then remove it. Salt water rinsing is primarily eliminative, so it is safe to do it alone to get rid of toxins or in combination with other cleansing procedures. While laxatives and enemas only cleanse the colon, which is a relatively small part of the digestive system, Salt Water Flush cleanses the entire digestive system. It also doesn’t promote dependency like expensive store-bought remedies do. The salt water rinse is often used to treat colds, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and fever. Many people report increased energy and appetite after several mornings, along with fresher breath, better sleep, cleaner skin, and better digestion.

After reading through the long list of benefits, you’re probably wondering how to get started, so let’s get into the details right now. Following the instructions, we will list some exercises that help speed up the transit time of salt water, and then some important tips so that you do not feel abandoned “at sea”. The salt water rinse is done by heating a quart of water, just enough so that it is lukewarm, not scalding hot. Add two teaspoons of sea salt (not table salt) and include lime or lemon juice to enhance the flavor. Drink the entire amount in one go, do this at dawn every day for seven days. Be sure to sip the drink instead of swallowing it.

Within 30 to 45 minutes of drinking the saline solution, you will feel the need to have a bowel movement. Depending on your diet and the number of times you have flushed, you may feel bloated and the removal may not come within the specified period of time. Fortunately, there are some simple exercises to speed up the process. The first recommended exercise is the Kogasana or Crow pose. Just squat down with your back against a wall while drinking water. Another exercise is to rub the stomach both clockwise and counterclockwise. Third, you can try putting your feet apart and twisting your body from left to right (this is a great stretch for your lower back and abdomen). Lastly, the traditional Cobra position is also great for stimulating the bowels.

You’re almost ready to start your first saltwater wash, but don’t start before reading these tips:

  • The Salt Water Flush is useful before beginning a new naturopathic program, such as a new dietary or vitamin regimen. It allows you to start with a clean state and see the pure benefits of the new program.
  • Talk to a doctor first if you have ulcers, appendicitis, tuberculosis, or cancer.
  • Celtic Sea Salt is reported to make the taste more tolerable.
  • Using a straw can help with the flavor of the drink.
  • A shock will not work properly if it is done too soon after your last meal. Wait at least eight hours.
  • Plan to be near the toilet for two hours after drinking the solution.
  • Headaches are a common detox symptom. They usually go away by the fourth day.

Now you’re ready to go on an age-old, trusted cleansing program that perfectly complements the Master Cleanse Diet and is just as effective on its own. Enjoy your journey to radiant health!

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