Lifestyle Fashion

Endometriosis and Hydrotherapy

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis that grows somewhere other than the endometrium also reacts to the hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by accumulating tissue, breaking it down, and shedding it during the menstrual period. As we know, hydrotherapy is a medical technique that helps treat diseases with water. In this article, we will discuss how hydrotherapy helps treat endometriosis.


Hydrotherapy is defined as a type of medical treatment that involves water.

II. Types of hydrotherapy used in the treatment of endometriosis

1) Local packaging

Local packing consists of a wet sheet wrapped around the abdomen, with a series of dry blankets pulled tight over it. Trapped abdominal heat causes the abdomen to heat up, and the sheet becomes moist again as it dries. Local tamponade is generally used to release blood pooling by stimulating blood flow to the abdomen.

2) sitz bath

A sitz bath is a type of bath in which only the hips and buttocks are immersed in water. It is said to reduce inflammation, infection, and menstrual cramps.

a) Hot air bath

Hot air bath is a type of water bath in which hot air is sprayed into the water during the bath. It is said to increase blood flow in the body and reduce pain caused by chronic conditions, such as endometrial cramps.

b) General bathroom

General baths include rain baths, spray baths, showers, shallow baths, immersions, showers, and regular morning sponge baths with a combination of hot and cold water. General baths are said to help increase blood circulation and reduce muscle tension that causes heavy bleeding and endometriosis cramps.

c) Local bath

Local baths include sitz, shower, spinal, foot and head baths with hot or cold water. Sitz head and foot baths are used on occasion. Local bathing is said to be an effective treatment to reduce inflammation.

3) Compress

There are 2 types of compresses

a) hot compress

Placing a hot towel on a part of the body will increase blood flow to that part of the body. It is said that the hot compress will help reduce regional pain.

b) Cold Compress

By placing a very cold towel on a part of the body, the swelling in that part of the body will be reduced.

4. Underwater massage

It is generally for people who suffer from chronic pain. This technique is said to help reduce pain during and after the massage because sore tissues are held under water.

5. Exercise underwater

Underwater exercise is said to help relax the abdominal muscles, which reduces endometrial cramps.

6. Ice and water

Ice and water are placed in a wrapped bag and placed on the area of ​​pain, which helps reduce inflammation.

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