Lifestyle Fashion

dog constipation remedies

I know you’re reading this article because you want to know about canine constipation remedies, but before we get to that, let’s define constipation. Constipation is a disease of the digestive system characterized by difficulty defecating. It can be food retention in the intestine for 2-3 days, hormonal hay and parasitism.

Food retention in the intestine usually occurs after heavy meals or when our dog sneaks into her dog food. When this happens, your dog will have a bloated stomach. Stomach bloating clogs your dog’s intestinal canal due to the high fermentation that is going on, the food tends to expand and then harden due to the nitrogenous gas that mixed with it, causing your dog to be constipated for 2-3 days .


  • Give your dog cool or warm water to drink throughout the day to help digest food.
  • Give your dog aloe plant juice which is a natural laxative that is good for your dog

If the 2 mentioned above do not work, try generic drug remedies like methylcellulose Y docatatase as a powerful laxative.

Hormonal hay wire causes constipation in dogs and you may wonder why. Pregnant bitches are prone to constipation because during pregnancy the level of progesterone increases, the effect of this hormone is to ensure that there is a constant flow of blood supply to the uterus and the reverse is that bowel movement becomes slow due to to diversion of the blood supply. Relaxing the intestine means that the flow of food also slows down and causes the pregnant dog to become constipated. In general, constipation is easy to treat, but when your dog is pregnant it can be difficult.


  • Give your dog a large quantity of water before meals and between meals.
  • Use wet dog food Give your dog a cooked food to aid digestion and prevent further constipation.
  • Give your dog an aloe plant juice which is a natural laxative that is good for your dog.

Parasitism can cause constipation by food obstruction and by the parasite itself. Too many intestinal parasites (roundworms, flatworms, and pinworms) pose a problem for your dog in addition to competing for nutrition. The intestinal parasite makes the situation worse by making your dog constipated. Giving a dog a powerful deworming medication is a big no, because if the parasite dies inside your dog’s intestine, it will eventually cause more constipation.


  • Give your dog warm water at every meal.
  • Use a strong deworming medication that only kills the parasite.
  • Use a strong laxative like methylcellulose Y docatatase to eliminate the parasite along with the feces.

Constipation is a serious problem for dogs if we don’t know the real cause of the problem, the best way to avoid it is by constantly deworming dogs, giving them wet food and water after meals. This collective effort shows how much we love and value our dog.

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