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Do famous spiritual energy healers manifest miracles?

What is an energy healer? Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a healing that is achieved through what is sometimes described as a force of subtle and invisible spiritual energy. This force of spiritual energy is used to heal others, whether near or far. An energy healer or spiritual healer is someone who can harness this force and send spiritual energy to others.

There are and have been many prominent spiritual energy healers, some claiming to manipulate this spiritual energy, others attributing the healing to divine intervention or the help of angels, spirit guides, or non-physical entities. Even some of the most famous healers have been asked to participate in scientific studies attempting to prove the efficacy of their techniques, and often the study validates their healing abilities.

Many healers claim that we all have the innate ability to harness this spiritual healing energy and use it to help others. To that end, there are now more and more schools of healing, many of which choose to focus on a particular healing method among a variety of them. Healing methods vary, but some of the most popular include reiki, quigong healing, therapeutic touch, crystal healing, and more. For example, famous healer Barbara Brennan runs the popular Barbara Brennan school of healing.

Now, although it is said that anyone can learn and improve their ability to heal others, there are definitely some special healers who seem to have an innate talent in this area.

One of the most famous, if not the most famous, healers of the modern age was Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), a psychic healer and psychic trance channeler and some say the founder of the New Age movement, although he himself claimed to be a devout Christian, albeit with beliefs outside the norm. Cayce was most famous for funneling answers to health questions from distant patients. There are numerous testimonials to the effectiveness of his distant healing diagnoses.

There are currently thousands of Edgar Cayce supporters and centers in 25 different countries. Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, would lie down and go into a trance state and then give the readings for him. It is reported that he gave around 20,000 readings in his lifetime.

The aforementioned Barbara Brennan has trained thousands of students in her method of energy healing. She is a scientist, healer, author and trainer. One of her most popular healing books is Hands of Light A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field. Brennan teaches her students about the human aura or energy field and how to heal it. The book cites medically verified case studies of a variety of people with various illnesses being healed.

Eric Pearl, chiropractor and healer is the author of The Reconnection. Pearl is a well known healer who originated the concept of reconnective healing. He describes reconnective healing as a way for the individual to reconnect with the fullness of the universe and the fullness of their own individual being. He states that healings occur through a new bandwidth of evolutionary frequencies brought through a spectrum of light and information. While all of this may sound a bit airy and vague, the many reported cures (including cancers, AIDS, chronic fatigue, cerebral palsy, and others) that have occurred as a result seem to indicate that it is an effective method of healing. Pearl’s school of reconnective healing teaches that everyone can become a healer through this new method.

Famed healer Dean Kraft was the basis for the NBC movie A Touch of Hope. One of the most studied and validated healers who apparently went into hiding for years as his popularity grew. Kraft reports that Energy Healing activates the mind/body connection and can unblock and balance patients’ natural energy fields to drive the individual’s own healing system. Kraft used visualization techniques concentrating on the auric body and energy points of the afflicted person. He sometimes he also used the laying on of hands to affect healing. Dean Kraft was reported to have cured those suffering from many types of cancer, including brain, liver, breast, and ovarian tumors.

Adam the Dream Healer is a young Canadian student studying molecular biology and biochemistry. He has appeared on several television shows detailing his exploits as a healer. His latest book is Intention Heals and details how to use the intention of your thoughts to heal your body and the body of others. In it he lays out his own scientific explanation of the mechanics of healing. Dreamhealer Adam has also created an online website as a gathering place for others to focus their intentions on healing those afflicted with certain illnesses. He will choose a particular disease, say diabetes, and have everyone focus his energy on curing those with that particular disease at a specific time of day.

Rosalyn Bruyere is the founder, director, and teacher of Healing Light Center Church. She is an acclaimed healer, healer, and clairvoyant. Some of her books include Wheels of Light and Chakra Healing. She frequently works with physicists and scientists to bring about greater cohesion between physicians, healers, and patients. She has conducted research studies in the field of the human aura and has also used it to attempt to identify and heal illnesses in those she treats with her spiritual energy healings. Bruyere is the creator of chelation therapy and brain balance. Bruyere is well versed in the areas of sacred geometry, mystery schools, shamanic rites, and many other ancient traditions and practices. She combines a deep understanding of the healing arts with a powerful healing ability.

Carol Everett is a medical intuitive, energy healer, and clairvoyant. She uses her psychic powers not only to diagnose health problems and healing, but also in other areas of investigation, including police investigations, and has even assisted Scotland Yard. One of her specialties is drawing accurate portraits of criminals unknown to the police. In 1994, in a filmed scientific experiment conducted under laboratory conditions by Professor Yoshio Machi of Japan, Everett correctly diagnosed and from a distance of six feet used his psychic healing energy to help heal a woman’s medical condition he had never seen before. before.

Rosemary Altea is a spiritual medium and healer who runs a non-profit healing charity called rahef where they practice absentee or distant healing. If you need a free long distance healing, also known as an absentee healing, simply request a free healing on their website and they will start sending you spiritual healing energy. She can even choose an individual healer from her team of healers to send her spiritual energy. Altea believes that healing always happens, even if it cannot heal the physical self and that healing prayers to God bring the light of healing and love to the soul and spirit and hopefully that will be transmitted to the physical body as well. .

Sathya Sai Baba is a South Indian guru and religious leader known as a miracle worker. How popular is Sai Baba? It is estimated that he has more than 6 million followers worldwide. There are currently around 1,200 Sai Baba centers in 114 countries. There are many legends surrounding Sai Baba, but it often seems impossible to distinguish myth from reality. The claims of healing and manifestation surrounding him and his devotees are incredibly numerous. It is said that he daily manifests holy ash and other elements.

Erlendur Haraldsson, a retired Icelandic psychology professor, interviewed many of Sai Baba’s devotees and ex-devotees and researched their alleged miracles and manifestations. His investigation revealed numerous extraordinary testimonies of reported miracles. Purported miracles included bilocation, physical disappearance, manifestations, liquid transmutations, healings, visions, dreams, weather control, and more.

There are many other famous healers like Juan de Dios, not mentioned above, as well as some not so famous ones who may possess or have access to the same or greater healing powers. Ultimately, one can and should take all steps to activate one’s own natural healing powers, regardless of whether that trigger is triggered by conventional means, alternative measures, or one’s own innate healing mechanisms.

Many skeptics question the ability of anyone who claims or causes others to claim that they are spiritual energy healers. A healthy skepticism is necessary to protect yourself from fraud and even medical abuse. Quacks exist. However, it seems that one can hardly dismiss the thousands upon thousands of testimonials from those who have claimed to have been helped by energy healers, many after standard medical treatment had failed. That, coupled with the many studies pointing to the efficacy of energy healing methods and, in many cases, the efficacy of healers themselves, suggests that the prudent approach would be to use both standard and alternative avenues of therapy.

In the end, one must be open to healing, whatever the source.

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