Shopping Product Reviews

7 Tips and Exercises to Boost Your Creativity: Follow Some Steps and Strategies to Solve Any Problem

1.Gather Information – You may not have enough information about your project / problem to come up with a great creative solution. Exercise: go to a source of information that you do not usually use. When was the last time you went to a library? Is there a government agency that has related information? How about a local community college,…

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Shopping Product Reviews

12GB PS3 Review

Sony recently released a version of its popular PlayStation 3 video game console for people who don’t play a lot of video games. Sure, it comes with a controller and all, and it plays PS3 games, but it’s not for hardcore gamers. In an effort to compete with Microsoft’s 4-gigabyte Xbox 360 system at the same price of $ 199.99,…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Investor News: Downtown Los Angeles is Changing

Architects, designers, builders, the mayor of Los Angeles, and their fans have long known this fact: Downtown Los Angeles has finally caught on. Shoppers come to the same conclusion: Downtown Los Angeles is the most underrated major city on planet Earth. Well, actually downtown Los Angeles has done great since 1995, during which time the City of Los Angeles Community…

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Shopping Product Reviews

MacBook Air – Apple’s Thinnovation

Apple has come up with something really special with the MacBook Air. With just a screen less than 2cm thick at its widest point, it weighs 1.36kg but packs a (relatively) huge 13.3 “screen. The screen itself has a 1280×800 resolution and long-lasting LED technology. The battery life. The large screen also means a large keyboard that is very well…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Watch Movies Online

The film industry is one of the most flourishing in the world. This is because movies seem to be one of the most popular choices of people around the world when it comes to entertainment. It is difficult to find a person who does not like to watch movies. There are various genres available these days that suit viewers of…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Why did the game designers make Mario a plumber?

The Mario franchise is the best-selling video game franchise in history. The main Mario series games alone have sold nearly 250 million copies, and that doesn’t include Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, and a host of other titles. Have you ever wondered why the hell Japanese game designers decide that the main character is an Italian plumber? The game…

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