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7 Tips and Exercises to Boost Your Creativity: Follow Some Steps and Strategies to Solve Any Problem

1.Gather Information – You may not have enough information about your project / problem to come up with a great creative solution.

Exercise: go to a source of information that you do not usually use. When was the last time you went to a library? Is there a government agency that has related information? How about a local community college, is there an instructor to teach something related to your subject? Bookstore employees are often very helpful. There may be trade magazines that cover your area of ​​interest.

2. Be active: yes, you read that correctly. Your brain uses a lot of oxygen and doesn’t work well when it’s malnourished.

Exercise: Go do something active and FUN! This will get the blood flowing and when you are having fun your creative juices will start to flow. Do something you haven’t done in a long time: dance, rollerblade, walk, ride a horse, garden, or ride a bike.

3. Change your point of view: As Einstein is quoted as saying, “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Your perception determines the path to solving a problem.

Exercise: look at your problem from another point of view. What would your problem be like if you were a different person? Imagine … from the point of view of a child, a co-worker, your dog, a player, a professional athlete, etc. This may seem silly, the point is to change your normal routine and help your brain create new avenues of thought.

4. Compare and contrast: Compare your problem / issue / project with something very different; an object or a concept. Through juxtaposition, you can find combinations that you have never seen before.

Exercise: Take a blank sheet of paper. Write your problem at the top. Next to it, write an unrelated idea, like “shoe”, “national highway system”, “a candy bar”, “cat litter” … you got the idea! Write down all the ways you can think of these two things being the same below. Remember to have fun. This is just another method to change your point of view and generate more ideas.

5. Be visual: Thinking is very fluid and visual, making use of symbols and images instead of words. Give your problem a color … even a smell! What shape is it? What does it feel like to touch?

Exercise: This is best done with a large sheet of paper or a white board. Use a plain sheet of paper if that’s all you have. Draw a rectangle in the center and label it with your problem / project. Draw at least 5-6 radiating lines coming out of the box. Label these lines as different aspects of your project. For example, if planning a wedding on a tight budget is the issue, some of the lines radiating out could be food, entertainment, and wedding dress. If the problem is Building a Team at work, some of the lines could be Collaboration, Productivity and Communication. At the end of each line, write what you think should happen to that area. This exercise can help you see the big picture, as well as prioritize all parts of your project.

6. Generate LOTS of ideas: You have gathered information, increased your enthusiasm, and reviewed your problem from many angles. It is time to get carried away by ideas.

Exercise: Brainstorm! I REALLY mean brainstorming. Don’t just throw in a handful of ideas and drop everything. Put some energy in it. Collaboration is good for this as everyone will get different ideas. Give everyone a sheet of paper (preferably large, that you can stick on the wall). Set a time limit. Allow plenty of time to get lots of ideas, but not so much time to judge the ideas that come from you (5-10 minutes). Also set a goal for number ideas, a goal that will force you to work fast. Speed ​​is important, in addition to reserving any criteria.

7. Give it to your subconscious: let your subconscious mind have another chance. You have a lot of information and ideas. Choosing the best course of action can be difficult.

Exercise: Sleep! Let your mind have it while you are resting. For this to really work you should do a review just before bed and place a notebook by your bed so you can jot down ideas if you wake up during the night and first thing in the morning. Try to have some answers when you wake up. Upon awakening, you may need to grasp the ideas in the half-awake state. The notebook is by your side so you do not lose good thoughts.

Congratulations! He came up with some very creative solutions for his project.

You can repeat this process with any topic.

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