Shopping Product Reviews

musical alphabet and stave

THE MUSICAL ALPHABET IS MADE UP OF SEVEN LETTERS. These are letters that are used over and over on the keyboard to name the white keys. When you play the music alphabet forward, it goes up the keyboard to the right: ABCDEF G. So when you play the music alphabet backwards, it lowers the keyboard to the left: GFEDCB A.…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Best ecommerce marketing calendar plan

Not everyone has a map planned out that they need and as of today, e-commerce is booming and is projected to rise to $4.058 trillion by 2020, which is really a very large number. So here we have a solid plan that puts you through what really works. 1) Build your base Hire the right understanding and people for your…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Stop wishing, start acting

One of the main reasons most people don’t achieve success is failure or refusal to put their dreams into action. This book entitled “Stop Wishing, Start Acting”, co-written by Olushola Alabi and Olanike Alabi, could not have come at a better time to help such people. Olushola, teacher, preacher, counselor and motivational speaker is the CEO of Roll the Gold…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Do you have growth? European uncertainty has US investors looking for opportunities at home

Ask most investors where they are looking to invest these days and most will tell you that some of the best opportunities are here in the good old US and many of these investors are European. According to Investment News, European pension funds and their equity managers are increasing their exposure to the US, according to pension fund consultants, managers…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Top 6 Recommended Mobile Web Browsers

When you run our on your smartphone, one of the best tasks is web browsing. So which browser is best for your mobile? There are many different types of web browsers available for smartphones. Here are the top 6 recommended mobile web browsers: Fiery sky: Operating system: Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, Symbian Stand out: customizable zoom functions, equipped with flash…

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Shopping Product Reviews

Google Places: 10 Tips to Optimize Your Google Places Business Listing

Claiming your Google Place Page listing is imperative no matter if you have an online or offline business. Google Places, formerly known as Google Maps, is a fantastic way to maintain an online presence, especially if you have a physical business without a website. You can provide potential customers, who are likely to be looking for a local service, with…

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