Shopping Product Reviews

Where to find a keyboard cover for a Macbook Pro

Plastic and silicone are the most common materials used for keyboard covers on Macbooks and Macbook pros, and indeed most laptops. Some covers are made of a faux leather material, but this is more to protect the laptop screen than the keyboard.

What would be the main reasons why you should use a keyboard cover on your Macbook pro or Macbook computer?

Answer because you want to be careful against undue wear and tear on your computer; if you’re using the keyboard, it will eventually wear down the keys. Especially if you use the laptop a lot, you’ll want to invest in good protection for it, an external case is usually another common investment that people make.

You may want to prevent dust and fluids from damaging your keyboard or worse, the insides/internals of your laptop, and using a cover will ensure you have that protection.

Where can I find keyboard covers for my Macbook pro 13″ / 15″ / 17″?

The Apple store stocks the most expensive types, for the budget, go to eBay and put search criteria all over the world to find the cheapest ones from China and Hong Kong. However, you will notice a difference in quality and friendliness to use!

What kind of likely investment cost am I looking at?

Anywhere from about $1 to $40, though I personally think $15 will buy you a good quality, perfectly fitting keyboard cover without blowing your budget too much (there are so many other things to spend your money on! )

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