Lifestyle Fashion

Detox and weight loss: win-win!

With the increase in toxins in the environment and the foods we eat, it is not surprising that most people find themselves at a level of toxicity that is beyond the point that the body’s own natural detoxification system can handle. Chemicals and toxins can build up in your system and cause problems regardless of your body weight. But when…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Spending equals investing

Have you ever heard the saying “time is money”? It feels like I’ve personally heard it a thousand times from a thousand different people. Although that phrase is overused and sometimes annoying, it does not mean that it is not true. Another common phrase is “money makes the world go round.” Of course money is not the physical source that…

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Lifestyle Fashion

How to stop your stretched out ears from stinking

Ear stretching has been practiced for hundreds of years by indigenous peoples for various rituals in countries such as Africa, Europe, and more recently in North America and Europe. Ear lift essentially involves widening a healed hole in the earlobe and placing a plug or tunnel into the pierced hole. Choosing to stretch your ears gives you a personal responsibility…

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Lifestyle Fashion

How to Treat Anchor Worms in Goldfish

Anchor worms are another external parasite that often affects goldfish and other types of fish that are quite common. Anchor worms are often referred to as Lernaea cyprinacea, a common copepod parasite that are small crustaceans. These parasites are primarily found in pond-raised fish, but if left untreated, they can cause serious damage to your fish, not only in the…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Do you suffer from depression or anxiety? You may have pyroluria

Pyroluria is a genetic abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis that affects up to 10% of the population (although most people don’t know they have it) and often leads to mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety and, in severe cases, , can cause bipolar disorder and schizophrenia if left untreated. Memory problems, insomnia, learning disabilities, low stress tolerance, and irritability…

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Lifestyle Fashion

5 vacation destinations for single men

For most single men, the word “single” brings a dual feeling, or should it be a duel. Being single is full of freedom, but on the other hand, very few men expect to spend their lives alone. Fortunately, there are plenty of solo vacation destinations where a guy can tackle this dilemma on his own terms, on his own time,…

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Lifestyle Fashion

Tips for packing a suitcase: the Stack method

Packing a suitcase correctly has frustrated many travelers! But it’s not too complicated if you know the tips. The goal, as always, is to maximize space and avoid a suitcase full of wrinkled and useless clothes. Fortunately there are several ways to accomplish this. This article discusses the stack method. 1) Calculate in advance how much and what type of…

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Lifestyle Fashion

3 books every woman should read

Three books have significantly improved my life as a young woman today. After trying almost every method of birth control (successfully I might add), but wanting to better serve my body than make it believe it’s already pregnant through hormones for over 6 years, I found the perfect birth control method and I can’t believe I didn’t it is taught…

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