Legal Law

If you file bankruptcy, you can keep your Social Security

Many people think bankruptcy favors creditors, but a recent appeals court ruling proves otherwise. The case involved a married couple who did not include all of their social security income in their Chapter 13 payment plan. Their bankruptcy trustee argued that they were not acting in “good faith” and tried to get that money, but the courts failed. in favor…

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Legal Law

Dallas Sex Crimes Lawyer Texas Criminal Defense

Dallas Sex Crimes Lawyer Texas If you are being investigated for a sex crime in Dallas, you should contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. It is essential to retain the services of a seasoned legal professional with a proven track record. An experienced lawyer will be able to help you navigate through the complex legal system and make the best…

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Legal Law

The COVID-19 Pandemic and New York City Bicycle Injuries

Pandemic and New York City Bicycle Injuries The COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging much of the world in 2020 and it will continue into 2021. During that time, many modes of transportation have decreased significantly in New York City. As a result, more people are cycling and relying on Citi Bike as an alternative form of transportation. The increased weekend ridership…

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Legal Law

Book Review: The Legal Rights of Shop Stewards by Robert M. Schwartz

This little book (currently only 155 pages) contains nine chapters covering topics such as the National Labor Relations Act and the Union’s right to information, to name a few. Each chapter is packed with real-world information written for the shop steward who doesn’t have a college degree. Illustrations and examples are often placed alongside properly labeled sections. Note: At the…

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Legal Law

Legal Recruitment: How to Explain Bad Grades

As a practicing attorney who volunteers regularly at a couple of local law schools, I spend a lot of time advising students. A question I get frequently during recruiting season is, “How can I explain to interviewers why my grades are not very good?” While it’s true that you can’t change your ratings, the way you explain less-than-stellar ratings can…

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Legal Law

The Basics of Taxation and How a Tax Planning Attorney Can Help

With all the different types of taxes, it’s no wonder that people regularly consult with a tax planning attorney to help them strategize on how to minimize their tax liability. In Canada, taxes, duties, and fees are collected by different levels of government to fund their programs and services. The three levels of taxes include Federal, Provincial / Territorial, and…

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Legal Law

E-Discovery Emergency in civil litigation

The law, as a means of managing dispute resolution and criminal accountability, must be able to adapt to revolutions in industry or technology. We are currently in the early years of a technological revolution that will only grow and continue to change the way humans live their lives. The use of computers and the Internet has changed the way people…

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Legal Law

Politics reward

“Who will raise this baby?” Everybody whispers. The older man at the meeting, finally breaking the silence, points to a middle-aged man, half white bearded and asks him showing a lot of boredom on his face and at the same time with a rather suspicious look about the identity of his parents. A whole serenity and silence are rapidly growing…

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Legal Law

Benefits of using poetry in language learning

Educational benefits of using poetry Poetry could be used as a means of teaching a language, as it shows a way to teach basic language skills. Sarac explains some of the educational benefits of using poetry: Different point of view for language: It broadens the student’s perspective of vision, as he begins to use language in a completely different way.…

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