Legal Law

Gonzo Theory – Beware the OPUS Concept – A Review of the Old One – August 2010

Watch out for OPUS … An evolving gonzo theory, OPUS is a voluntary inner generation from the dark side of that unique duality of human nature, good and evil. OPUS constitutes the basic ingredients of human deception and clever wiles, which is for the sake of the obsessive-compulsive postulation for baseless subjectivism. In short, their suggestion echoes the wishes, cravings,…

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Legal Law

New Renaissance technology and the fate of Homo Entropicus

The problems facing human survival can be solved. The fossil record of the humanoid sphenoid bone tells us that every time the bone changes shape, a new humanoid species emerges. It has been clearly observed that it is now changing shape and therefore the current human species is entering a new phase of existence. The question arises: can technology provide…

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Legal Law

The Great Crash Ahead by Harry S Dent, Jr with Rodney Johnson – Book Review

Content Synopsis: Harry Dent has been confusing “experts” for twenty years by predicting economic and financial trends and markets based primarily on demographics and business cycles. This is your fifth book in a series that has predicted economic trends. If Harry Dent is right once again, everyone should be reading this book! Dent’s thesis is relatively simple: He argues that…

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Legal Law

How to Sell Your Home Yourself: A Short Guide

Selling your home is something that you will have to do perhaps only a few times in your life. And unless you know a local realtor who sells your home for free or on commission at a deep discount … it can be a real headache and an expensive process for you, too. So … you came to this page…

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Legal Law

Why letters are important

What makes a good song so appealing to people who buy CDs and MP3 files? Are the background beats or the guitar riffs played? Is it the lead singer’s voice or how high can your voice go? The truth is that the most important part of most songs, possibly techno being an exception, is the lyrics or the lyrics of…

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Legal Law

How to Negotiate severance Pay in the Toronto City, Canada

severance Pay in the Toronto City, Canada So, you are asking yourself “How to negotiate severance pay in the | negotiations | severance package | severance pay | negotiate} The process of negotiations for severance pay in the Toronto area can be very complicated. This is because there are several employees that will need to be considered for the severance…

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Legal Law

How to write an effective fundraising letter

First, realize an important fact: Nobody gives money away without receiving something in return. With the exception of small bonuses like address stickers, donors don’t get anything they can hold in their hands to show where their money went. But they get something in return or they wouldn’t donate. What they get is emotional, and sometimes it’s something they can’t…

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Legal Law

A mother lion roars: two determined mothers aspire to their children for music, but in different ways

A few weeks ago, I brought my 17-year-old daughter, Ariana, an accomplished viola player, to the East Coast to audition at premier music conservatories. all your life. At the first audition, waiting for her turn, I asked Ariana if she was nervous. “No mommy, I’m so excited to play for them!” I was happy, like Cinderella going to the dance.…

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Legal Law

What is a master stylist? How the hair industry secretly defines the master

Are you getting your money’s worth for your hair services? The hair industry is littered with names for hairdressers. Stylist, esthetician and stylist are terms used for the same profession, and that is simply a hairdresser. There are definitely different skill sets with hairdressers, and most of the time, those with vast experience in the hair industry do a good…

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