Health Fitness

The 5 keys to finally lose fat fast!

Losing fat in my opinion is not that difficult. You need to possess 5 Strategies and apply all 5.

Is it so:

1. A compelling reason to change

2. Proper nutrition

3. Progressive resistance training

4. Moderate aerobic exercise


5 strategies to lose fat

1. A reason to change:

To make a successful body transformation, the first and foremost thing is to have the desire to change. And that desire must be fueled with a reason to change. This reason cannot be any old reason. It has to be the most compelling reason you’ve ever had in your entire life.

Without this reason, you will not be able to maintain your motivation to do the other four parts necessary for a successful transformation. So what is your compelling reason to switch? For some it is the death of a loved one or wanting to live healthier so they can spend more time with their loved ones.

For others, it could be that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Your doctor may tell you to lose weight or take blood pressure medication or, worse yet, die: your choice. For each of us it is different. I know this; you must have a compelling reason to change the period.

2. Proper Nutrition:

This is where 99% of us mess up. The worst part is that there is so much misinformation and hype that no one really knows what proper nutrition or eating right is. Most people think that to lose weight they have to stop eating altogether.

Thinking this way is totally wrong as this will slow down our metabolism. Precisely what we don’t want. Another way people think they are eating well is by having fruit and coffee for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a pasta dish for dinner.

No, that’s not the answer either. So the question is what is proper nutrition? Okay, in a nutshell, my idea of ​​proper nutrition is 4-5 balanced, portion-controlled meals about every 3 hours throughout the day.

3. Progressive resistance training:

SPECIAL NOTE TO WOMEN Please do NOT be afraid of weight training. You will NOT become the Hulk I promised you. The goal or goal is to build lean muscle in our bodies. For women, I love to call it SEXY lean muscle, because when you replace your body fat with sexy lean muscle, watch out!

You will turn your body into a sexy, lean and toned fat burning machine! So weight training will be the same for you as it is for men. Ok, enough said on that. I have to include the boys now. Building lean muscle will boost metabolism and that is what we want to achieve.

In fact, you’ll even begin to burn more calories even while you rest. I’ll let you in on a little known secret: you need lean muscle because that’s where fat is burned! The more lean muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish with weight training.

To build lean muscle, we must get stronger with every workout. Let me repeat that. To build lean muscle (sexy lean muscle for women) we must get stronger with every workout. That’s what we call progressive effort to get a little stronger each time.

4. Moderate aerobic exercise:

Moderate does not mean one hour and forty-five minutes, nor does it mean two hours. Moderate means between 18 and 25 minutes 3 times a week. That is all! Okay, you can get up off the ground now. I know, I know, you’re probably saying that this guy, Bill, has gone crazy! 18 to 25 minutes?!?!

Okay, okay, wait a minute. Let me ask you a question. For those of you who are currently doing aerobic exercise for an hour or more, are you happy with the results? If you said No, try 18-25 minutes 3 times a week, you’ll be amazed!

Aerobic exercise can be as simple as brisk walking, jumping rope, stationary bike, treadmill, stair climber, etc. The bottom line is that you need to find an aerobic exercise that you enjoy, or you’ll end up not doing it consistently.

You must be constant in following the strategies to:

* Proper nutrition

* Progressive resistance training

* Moderate aerobic exercise

Consistency will result in a successful Body Makeover!

If you take the time and put in the effort, but don’t do it consistently, your results will be minimal. You can’t expect to do all three strategies for one week, then stop for one week, then start for two more weeks, then stop for another week.

I can’t stress this enough, you must be consistent in all action strategies: proper nutrition, progressive resistance training, and moderate aerobic exercise. Consistency is the glue that holds everything together.

typical training

A typical one week workout (less than two hours total per week!)

Choose 5 days.

Since I have a wife and children, I like to have my weekends off.

So I break it down like this:

Monday: 18 minutes stationary bike

Tuesday: resistance training with weights 15 minutes

Wednesday: 18 minutes stationary bike

Thursday: 18 minute climber

Friday: resistance training with weights 15 minutes

Something like this is all you need to transform your body, of course you have to add proper nutrition!

I hope this helps many of you searching for answers.

For those who are interested, you can go to my transformations page to see what is possible:

Click here now!

Copyright ©2002-2005. Bill Belfert, Member Bare Minimal Training LLC. All rights reserved. Neither Bare Minimal Training LLC nor the author assumes any responsibility for the information contained in this document. This text does not provide medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a physician. Minimal Bare LLC Formation. advise everyone to consult a physician before beginning any new nutrition, exercise, or dietary supplement program.

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