Real Estate

SWOT analysis for your courier business

It pays to take some time on a regular basis (at least every three months) to work on and write down the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and Constraints that affect your courier business.

Once you’ve listed them, you can come up with a plan to develop and exploit their strengths and reduce your exposure to their weaknesses. Keep an open mind to opportunities and decide whether to dodge or defend against immediate or long-term threats. Be careful with limitations; analyze them carefully and plan around them. Here are some common examples; some of them are linked:

S: Your courier business has a strong reputation for customer service.

S: Your courier company pays a very low rent, so the costs are low.

S: Your website is at the top of Google, so you get a lot of business at virtually no cost.

W: Your courier business is indistinguishable from all others locally

W: Your courier business is very slow to invoice and collect payments

O: An industrial estate is being built next door

Or: Your biggest competitor has gotten lazy and complacent.

T: Your biggest client represents the majority of your sales

T: Your main client is behind in submitting their accounts and may be in financial trouble.

T: Your insurance does not cover your risks

T: A national courier company has opened a branch in the city

T: Your messengers are talking about setting up on your own.

C: You’re always short of cash

C: You only have two vans.

C: Your phone is often busy because you only have one line.

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© 2009 Tim Gilbert – All rights reserved.

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