
Role of Big Data and the Cloud in the Gaming Industry

Greater player participation is the key to increasing revenue and staying ahead of the competition in all gaming companies. Every player click and interaction with the game creates valuable data that is thoroughly analyzed by game companies to ensure that players are continually engaged and coming back for more.

As the gaming industry continues to grow and expand, the role of big data becomes more critical due to the accumulation of a large volume of data. Big Data takes into account each of the interactions made by the players with the game, storing a large volume of pure data ready to be analyzed. But the real challenge lies in getting the most out of the collected data.

The global gaming industry grows at a rapid pace every year and generates massive revenue. For this reason, major gaming companies continue to seek new and unique ways to leverage best-in-class technologies to capture a large share of the market. More than 2 billion gamers in the world generate around 50 Tb of data per day, while social games generate around 150 Gb of data per day. In such a scenario, the use of Big Data technology in the gaming industry is not surprising at all.

Games have become a key contributor to big data, and an effective BI system in the gaming industry enables companies to effectively draw conclusions about consumer taste, satisfaction levels, and spending patterns. players. This is achieved when data collected from various external sources is analyzed against stored historical data to provide a better gaming experience for players with uninterrupted gaming sessions.

Additionally, strategically deployed cloud-based services have been shown to uniquely address all of the technology challenges facing the gaming industry. Opting for cloud services from leading cloud service providers in India is the best solution for businesses that need terabyte-scale storage space and high-volume log availability for instant analysis with one investment. long-term minimum.

Understanding what drives each of the player segments to play longer and keep coming back for more requires analyzing the records in combination with player data to identify common characteristics. This helps gaming companies improve their gameplay and player experience based on real player data feedback.

While it is true that Big Data technology and the cloud are vital to the gaming industry, it is extremely important to opt for cloud advisory services, as well as Big Data services, only from the leading gaming service providers. Big Data and in the cloud that have certified globally recognized consultants who have extensive experience in developing appropriate big data strategies and in selecting the appropriate technology that fits the business needs of a company.

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