Health Fitness


As I prepared to set my own goals for this year, I looked around to see what other people were doing. It was interesting to see the many variations of SMART goals.

A SMART goal is a fantastic tool that helps you set goals that are immune to self-sabotage, fear, and procrastination. It helps you break your goals into manageable parts that are realistic and achievable. Below is an example of a weight loss goal.

Ali Brown, the founder and CEO of Ali International LLC, mentioned adding an energetic aspect to the goal setting process on her podcast and I totally agree with her.

Everything is energy “the thing(s) you want to manifest” is already here in energetic form and it is your beliefs and actions that bring them into your experience.

first dream

What do you want? A Put on uplifting music, grab a notebook and pencil and write down all the things that come to mind. Don’t judge or edit, let your imagination run wild and write it down. **Disclaimer: I’m sure this goes without saying, but of course you don’t want to wish for something like your friend’s spouse or anything that might hurt someone else just by saying it.

Now, know that if these desires arose in your heart, they were meant for you to experience. So allow yourself to believe that you can be, do and have them.

Then take that list and put your items into categories and choose 1 for the activity below.


Smart targets are great, but AIM SMART targets are even better. Here’s the short and sweet:

A – Minimum Acceptable” – What is the least that can be done or will you accept?

I-ideal” what is your ideal If you could have exactly what you want, what would it be?

M-Medium” What is a realistic stretch for you? Take what you can do and stretch. Or what is the mean of your acceptable and ideal goals?

S-specific” what do you want specifically? Or what exactly is the first step/action you should take?

M – Measurable” What is the quality or quantity you want?

A – Achievable” Is this goal or possible step/action possible?

R-Reasonable” will you do this How reasonable is it for you to do this?

T-Time” By when will you reach this goal (the full goal) or complete the first step (not the full goal)?


  • Goal: I want to lose weight. It is too vague; How much weight? When?
  • SMART GOAL. I want to lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks for my High School Reunion.

IN – The minimum I want to lose is 1 pound a week at least.

YO- My ideal would be to lose 5 pounds a week.

METER- A realistic range for me would be 3 pounds a week.

S- lose 30 pounds

METER- in 6 weeks

IN – It is possible to lose so much weight with healthy eating and exercise.

R- It is reasonable for me to lose weight because I have excess weight on my body and I will keep going.

T- In 6 weeks for my High School Reunion.

You see how easy that is. You can do this with each goal you have, including healthy eating and exercise goals to go along with the weight loss SMART GOAL above. I purposely wrote the objective above in a simple way, but they can be made much more elaborate.

**This tool is also great and great for step by step goal setting.

What AIM SMART goals do you have yourself? How will AIM SMART help you set and achieve your goals?

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