
How to get over a grumpy boss

Every day I wonder when I will finally follow my dreams. Why do I constantly put off until tomorrow what I can do today? I visit EzineArticles every day to get inspired and keep going. I am determined to make it work for my success. Failure is not an option. If you’re one of those people who always attracts that nasty, demeaning boss, you’ll want to read this article. While I was interested in online marketing, I obviously had to keep my day job to keep up my habit of writing interesting and fun stuff. Yes, sometimes we all get distracted and tired and put it off for another day. Just when you thought it was safe to be lazy, my boss demotion comes out and with both barrels to boot. And that’s why I’m sitting here now writing about “that person.” I have read so much about spiritualism, positive thinking and the law of attraction in the last 4 years, I can never get enough of it.

In fact, when I’m now in a demeaning situation at work, I just go with the flow, why bother letting it bother me? I don’t give it energy and it doesn’t bother me. You know what they say, consider the source. Well, I do and I know that no one’s thoughts can bring me ill will without my permission. So today, after experiencing another forked tongue moment, it was just another day. Usually I tend to get teary-eyed and my heart race, but not today, not even for a second. I attribute my strength to all the great things I’ve read about staying focused, and everything that happens is supposed to happen, good, bad, or indifferent. The reason these bad things happen to us is simply that our higher selves are telling us that it is time to move on and not worry or bother with the issue at hand. I always get inspiration from these days and I hope you do too.

My advice is to read as much as you can about what you want out of life, and here are my favorite books to go and stay near your nightstand. The first is The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, the next would be Tony Little with “There’s Always a Way” and “Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I owe my sanity to these books, they brought me some great ideas and also they brought me peace.If you really want to go deeper into your soul, there is Dr. Wayne Dyer who will always guide you through life’s tough times through the power of meditation.I highly recommend him and any of his books too. You’ll get through it like I have by searching and finding what you want and only focusing on the positive and the negative has to go away. Good luck everyone.

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