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Ho’Oponopono says that intentions are for cowards

If you’re practicing the Law of Attraction or something similar to LOA, I’m sure you’ve heard the term intentions and how important they are in manifesting what you want.

The ancient Hawaiian Ho’oponopono system of cleansing uncovers the idea that intentions are in fact for the weak and can actually have a negative effect on the manifestation process.

First let me explain the intentions and what I have come to learn about them and the best way to explain them is the technique of visualizing what you want to manifest in your life as well as writing them down and focusing on them to activate the Law of Attraction. .

For example, if you want a beautiful home overlooking a lake with the mountains overlooking the water projecting a mirror image of the mountains on the lake.

You would write in as much detail as possible as if you already had it and this process is how you would manifest what you want.

Now what if I told you that intentions could actually set limits on what you could actually have in your life?

What if I told you that getting to ZERO and having no expectations would bring so much more into your life than you could have originally imagined?

Ho’oponopono is a cleaning system that helps to remove old programs that you have been holding on to and when we clean the data that is running, whether we are aware of it or not, we are reaching the ZERO state.

The Zero state is where intuition and inspiration shine like the brightest star in the night sky and the fact is that it is where you want to be because at this stage there are no limits.

When we use intentions, due to our programming, we are putting limits on what we can actually believe. Unless we cleanse old memories and data that we have held on to from the beginning of our existence, we are going to find ourselves with beliefs that work against what we think we can achieve.

So let me ask you something that will hopefully flip the switch and light you up like it did me.

Would you rather create a life with limits or create a life from zero state using Ho’oponopono where inspiration flows like a mighty river giving you limitless opportunities that you could never have envisioned before?

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