Legal Law

holocaust story

The Holocaust is a special term used to mention the genocide of some six million Jews in Europe during World War II. The Holocaust was basically a systematic state-backed effort by Nazi Germany to exterminate some particular communities, mostly Jews.

However, there is another scholarly opinion that shows some broader aspect of the term Holocaust. According to this view, the Holocaust also refers to the execution of millions of people other than Jews, such as the Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, Soviet civilians and people with disabilities, ethnic Poles, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals and other religious and political people. opponents If we add all these victims, the number will increase from eleven to seventeen million people.

Execution Strategies

The execution of the Holocaust was not carried out in a single phase. So many different phases were carried out for its execution. In order to purge civil society of Jews prior to World War II, the Nazi government had passed legislation. In many areas, concentration camps were created where detainees were subjected to unbearable canvases and inhumane biological experiments.

There were some specialized units assigned to this task to kill Jews and political opponents by firing squads in newly conquered Eastern Europe. Roma and Jews were usually kept in isolated overcrowding before being taken to concentration camps. The one who survived the trip was put in the gas chambers for his extermination.

The seizure of territory and resources are other vital features of genocide.

Towards the explanation of the WHY of the Holocaust

It is believed that the main motivation behind the execution of the Holocaust was completely ideological, that is, an imaginary world imagined by the Nazis, where the Jews are supposed to have ended an international conspiracy to dominate the world’s resources in total conflict with an Aryan (Nazi ) assignment.

Each member of Nazi Germany was a unique participant in the logistics of the mass slaughter. One scholar quite aptly titles the atrocities carried out in the Holocaust by Nazi Germany as “a genocidal state.”

Saul Friedlander explained that not a single religious community, social group, academic institution, or professional association in Germany that spread across Europe showed any sign of sympathy for the Jews. He further explains that there were few Christian churches that can defend members of Jewish converts to Christianity to some extent.

According to Friedlander, the Holocaust event itself was idiosyncratic in nature, unlike the norms prevailing in modern society, unconcerned anti-Semitic practices suffered for the first time in history without any solid resistance such as industry, churches, concerns. business, or any other anthropological group.

Never before has it been seen that the few leaders decide the fate of a certain human community together with its former members, children and women. The Holocaust itself was a unique event in which a particular group or community was executed from the surface of the earth simply with the plea: “Kill them, they are the salt of the earth!”

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