
Fungi that can invade the sinus ducts

Many people love mushrooms, especially sautéed with a good steak. But did you know that there are certain types of fungi that can infect the sinus passages?

The mushrooms we are talking about here are not the kind used for food, but belong to the species known as mushrooms, including certain types of mold. Fungi are organisms that look like plants, but unlike genuine plants, they cannot make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Usually, these types of fungi live in our warm, moist nasal passages without causing any problems. However, when a body’s resistance is low, these fungi can become harmful.

Fungi generally feed on dead organic matter, which is why edible fungi are found living on tree roots and in the carpet of leaves that are composted on the forest floor. Fungi like dark, warm, moist places, like the inside of our noses. Sometimes the fungi can feed on other living organisms, such as the mucous membranes inside the nasal and sinus passages. When that happens, these membranes become inflamed and can become infected.

Molds are a species of microscopic fungi related to mushrooms. To reproduce, they release spores that can fly through the air like pollen. Mushrooms of this type can be found throughout the year in many regions. They are affected by the weather – when it’s hot and rainy, or even hot and humid, you can expect an increase in mold growth. That’s one of the reasons it can be essential to control humidity in a home, to reduce the likelihood of mold growing on the walls, especially on building materials that contain a lot of cellulose (again, it’s a by-product). wood of the kind that outdoor fungi like to eat).

Common types of mold found indoors include Aspergillus and its subspecies (A. Flavus, A. Versicolor); cladosporium; Penicillium; Alternaria and the toxic “black mold”, Stachybotrys atra (S. atra). Any of these indoor molds can be the microscopic fungi that infect the sinuses. Sometimes they produce quite toxic effects for the human organism. The best way to avoid this type of infection is by working to prevent its growth in the home, and through good health habits, especially frequent hand washing and other forms of hygiene.

If you get infected, see your doctor right away. And if you suspect fungi may have invaded your home, contact a building specialist for testing. It is better to be safe than to suffer from a yeast infection.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, advise or treat any health condition. If you have or think you may have a health condition, please contact your primary care physician for diagnosis, advice and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated claims about any product mentioned in this article.

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