
Fraternity Fundraiser: Strategy and Tips for Running a Successful Fundraiser

Money is important to any fraternity or organization, but acquiring a sizeable sum is always a challenge. Fraternities not only hold fundraisers to raise money for their organization, but also contribute money and time to charities. However, a good cause can only go so far unless the fraternity knows how to efficiently organize and run a fundraiser. Here are a couple of tips for fraternities on how to run a successful fundraiser.

Member participation. The president of the fraternity should not be the only one participating in the event. Member participation is important to the success of your fundraiser. It is also essential that all members know the purpose of the event and know what they need to do to achieve their goal.

Fundraising ideas. Fraternities need to devise activities that utilize the strengths of the group. If they have many members, they can set up multiple activities at once. Fundraiser attendees can choose which activity to participate in and there will be a variety of issues that the money will come from.

A dating auction is a great activity, especially if the fraternity has a reputation among sororities for being handsome gentlemen. Fraternities may also hold video game tournaments or small concerts in which sororities, other fraternities, and non-Greek college organizations may participate. Participants will be required to pay an entrance fee, and food and non-alcoholic beverages are available for purchase on-site.

Fundraising advertising. It is important that any fundraising event is well publicized to ensure that it is well attended. A press release in the college newsletter, flyers, posters, and bulletin boards will always increase the chances of fundraising success. Fraternities may also use their websites to promote their fundraising events.

Rent. Fundraising campaigns at colleges aim to get contributions from friends, classmates, and members of other organizations. However, if the fraternity plans to set up booths and tables for its fundraising activity in conjunction with other organizations, it is always important to know which location receives the most foot traffic.

Community participation. Attendance is very important for fundraising events. There are certain universities that allow non-students and non-faculty members to participate in specific events on campus. It might be ideal for fraternities to plan their fundraisers during events that allow for off-campus participation. The more people that attend the fundraising event, the better the chances of reaching your goals.

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