Health Fitness

Do you have hemorrhoids? Acai Berry to the rescue

Hemorrhoids are such a prevalent problem that half the male population is likely to experience this pain in the butt by the time they turn 50. Why? Simply because today’s “average” lifestyles encourage the development of little buggers. Fortunately, that South American wonder, the Acai berry, can help prevent hemorrhoids from bothering you.

Hemorrhoids are caused by many things, but most of the time by a sedentary lifestyle, and you likely have one. If you spend most of your working hours sitting down, for example, and if you spend most of your time at home on the couch watching TV, then yes, you are susceptible. A sedentary lifestyle also encourages poor diet and obesity, giving hemorrhoids a better chance to develop.

The Acai berry has been used for centuries to maintain an ideal body weight. It does this by increasing metabolism to burn more calories, increasing testosterone levels to prevent men from accumulating fat, and suppressing appetite with its essential nutrients. Regular use of Acai also helps increase your energy levels throughout the day, encouraging exercise and a more active lifestyle.

Also, one of the essential nutrients in the Acai berry is fiber, a lot of fiber. Since hemorrhoids are also sometimes caused by straining during bowel movements, Acai can give you enough fiber to soften your stool, helping you finish the job in a minute or less. (By the way, that’s the healthy rate.)

Hemorrhoids are just one of the many common, but very uncomfortable, medical conditions that the Acai berry can prevent and treat. To maximize results, find Acai products tailored to a male audience; Some Acai products geared towards women just won’t work for a man like you!

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