Digital Marketing

Content Marketing: A Closer Look at Theory and Application

Content marketing is often considered the next big thing in internet marketing. Business owners who are aware of the risk will likely be surprised, because any hyped-up business solution should not be easily accepted without deep understanding.

Therefore, before getting into the actual development and implementation of a content marketing strategy, it is crucial to have well-defined business goals and the purpose of content marketing, especially for branding and positioning your business. Once you do this, you will be able to easily recognize the goals of each step and make your decisions and applications.

Content marketing, as the name suggests, is marketing anything through the use of content. In a more comprehensive definition, this type of digital marketing is all about creating videos, blog posts, images, infographics, webinars, podcasts, and other forms of media that engage people and create a positive association with the brand. .

In a business context, content marketing is a strategy for building lasting relationships with your target market. Conventional advertising strategies are conceptualized to attract viewers using images of customer value. On the other hand, content promotion deepens the discussion on customer needs and thoughts through the value-driven platform. In a top-down perspective, content marketing is the creation of various customer engagement platforms that could help meet their needs and distribute information about your products and services. Your blog posts, videos, articles and images become the face of the business, showcasing your authority and personality and drawing customer connection in the process.

After understanding the theoretical basis of content marketing, the next thing to do is take a closer look at the application of this theory. The implementation of the content strategy is a matter of finding, forming and developing relationships with customers through different platforms. Marketing research reveals that customers spend about 60% of their time on this platform even before contacting sales, and content is important in providing answers to their questions and concerns.

Blogging is a very important tool for content promotions. Around 80% of digital marketers running a blog received higher ROI for their inbound marketing campaigns. Blogging covers the development and tracking of visual and textual articles, created to provide value to customers. In addition, bloggers must also respond to comments within the blog and from social networks.

Other marketing platforms have their own responsibilities. The channels you use will depend on your budget and resources. The main platforms are videos, articles and webinars. But your marketing guarantees depend on your niche, available resources, and business goals. Regardless of your industry, it’s essential to base your strategy on solid marketing.

Before getting into the details of planning and implementation, it is crucial to establish the foundation of any marketing campaign to define the focus. Without a thorough understanding of your business goals and your available resources, any type of online marketing will only fail primarily due to lack of direction. Before you write your first article or start shooting your videos, get your team together and lay the groundwork for content marketing.

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