
CCNP Wireless Training Program

If you want to upgrade to Associate and Professional, you will need to pass all of the exams provided by Cisco. These professional-level certifications: CCNP, CCNP Wireless, CCDP, CCSP, CCVP, and CCIP last for three years. Once you have passed these exams, you will need to recertify for them after the expiration date. Just pass any CCIE/CCDE written exam every two and a half years and you’ll be good to go. If you’re interested in pursuing the CCNP Wireless program, here’s what you need to know about the training.


A Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) confirms your ability to design, manage, establish, and troubleshoot local and wide area networks. You work as a team with specialists in advanced security, voice, wireless and video solutions.

Because you need it?

If you have at least a year of networking experience, you’re probably ready to go further, to evolve. So if you are CCNP certified, you can independently work and solve any complex network solution. By achieving this certification, you have demonstrated that you have the right skills for a network technician or engineer.

What do you need?

To enter the CCNP Wireless Training Program, you will need a valid CCNA Wireless Certification or any CCIE Certification. These two are the above level certifications.

What do they teach you?

You will be taught how to design and operate Cisco wireless networks. You will learn what are the principles and theory on which this entire operating system is based. Once you have passed all the exams listed above, you will be able to understand and translate the network requirements into technical terms and resolve any network difficulties.

What are the steps?

Conducting the Cisco Unified Wireless Site Survey (CUWSS) – You will learn the requirements for preparing and planning a site survey, using data applications.

Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks (IUWVN) Implementation: How to characterize and design all the infrastructure devices needed for video and high-bandwidth applications.

Implementation of Cisco Unified Wireless Mobility Services (IUWMS): The goal is to set up a WLAN infrastructure, assess the services needed, and troubleshoot the WLAN.

Cisco Advanced Unified Wireless Security (IAUWS) Implementation: Provide guest access and secure wireless connectivity.

You will have an exam of each of these modules that you will have to pass. In a nutshell, each module will teach you how to implement and perform wireless services so that you can work independently.

How will the training take place?

The number of students will not be numerous; it can vary from eight to twelve students per class. You can ask questions whenever you want because the instructor will be ready to answer and explain each question. The training will take place for twelve days and every three days you will have an exam. You have to try to pass the exams afterwards it will cost you… and it’s not cheap, so don’t hesitate to ask and take advantage of this. The instructor will also advise you on how to get the right equipment and what the latest and best equipment is.

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