
Handling rude questions and awkward moments

Anyone can be the object of rudeness and thoughtlessness. Because I am a writer of books and columns, and because I have lectured, appeared on radio and television, I am sometimes recognized in public. I’m glad I’m not more recognizable, for along with the kind comments, gratitude, and praise I receive from many people, others feel compelled to criticize, often…

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Tips to maintain virgin hair and its benefits

Are you looking for a hair extensions option? Do you want to try a pure form of hair extension or hair replacement? Virgin hair is a pure form of hair extension taken from a single donor without any chemical process or dyeing. Check the benefits and the different ways to maintain them. Virgin hair is donated by a living individual…

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The ongoing debate on vaccination

Although experts and the vast majority of Americans maintain that refusing to vaccinate a child puts everyone at risk of once-marginated diseases, more and more parents are choosing not to do so for reasons such as: Thinking that the shots are unnecessary; Fear of health risks, particularly autism; Too much trouble; Too many are given. On that last point, truth…

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how to get rid of cold sores fast

Cold sores are very contagious, especially in the first 2-3 days after an outbreak. Canker sores are extremely common; it is estimated that, in the United States, 80%-90% of the population has been infected by the cold sore virus before the age of 50 years. These sores are highly contagious until they heal. Spread by kissing an infected person or…

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How to Create Powerful and Healthy Sandwich Recipes

Making healthy sandwiches gives you the chance to put your creative talents to use in the kitchen once again. Sandwiches can be prepared as a complete meal, providing all the necessary nutrients for a healthy life. To create a powerful and healthy sandwich, use your imagination and include herbs like fresh basil leaves, cilantro, or fresh parsley. Fresh watercress gives…

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Valentine’s Day Romantic Plan

Have you ever wanted to impress that special someone with a romantic and thoughtful day? Valentine’s Day is a great time to show someone how much you love them, but it doesn’t have to be the only day of the year that you express your romantic side. Here are some great ideas for getting romantic with your partner on Valentine’s…

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