
Sale of reclaimed wood

My business partner and I decided to invest in a project that would provide cash flow, profitability, and ultimately an asset in the end. We decided to buy a 115 year old bourbon barn, dismantle it, and sell the material that was dismantled. We had no prior experience in the salvage, demolition, or logging industry. The purpose of this article…

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Baby gifts for newborn fairies and champions

Choosing newborn baby gifts is a bit of a tough job. Babies themselves are like a gift to parents and choosing a gift for them is a difficult thing to do. These gifts are supposed to be soft, fragile, colorful and attractive that don’t make a lot of noise, they should be something that makes a soft voice, that doesn’t…

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How to roll a snake’s eyes in dice

If you stop to think about it, you’ll realize that the only way to roll a 2 (“snake eyes”) is to roll two 1’s; no other combination will. Similarly, the only way to roll a 12 (“wagons”) is to roll two 6s; there is no other dice combination that reaches that number. There is also only one way to make…

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Raise money to invest using 11 poor man’s strategies

Unlike many of my fellow financial bloggers, I have gained street cred (credentials) when it comes to having been poor. When we first came to San Jose, CA in the early 1980’s, my family lived with another family until my parents were able to save up to rent an apartment. The house we lived in was a typical three-bedroom, two-bathroom…

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How to throw your “Boomerang Kidult”

Now that Labor Day has come and gone, all the kids should be out of the house and back to school. But wait! What about your emerging adult child still living with you, their college degree carefully hidden? In the middle of a rerun of the big screen comedy “Miss Launch” and not finding it all that funny? You’re not…

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Should you use chlorine-free baby diapers?

I have to admit, as a new parent, I wasn’t overly concerned about a lot of things. Okay, I admit it: I’m pretty laid back. In fact, I have friends who would definitely categorize me as someone who is under concern, things don’t affect me even when they should. However, as a seasoned mom (thirteen years now!), I’ve found that…

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Web design trends for 2017

Website trends have always changed based on user feedback, SEO, and coding methods. 2016 has been great for website design with people trying to come up with unique ideas. Here are some promising trends we predict for the coming year: Visual appeal with flat design Flat design has gained popularity in 2016 and will be even more popular in 2017.…

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Make intermittent activity a new healthy habit

Most of us have heard of the benefits of intermittent fasting. We’ve also heard about the dangers of sitting too long. Well, recent research shows the benefits of brief, periodic movements, what I call intermittent activity. I have discussed this in detail in my book Today Is Still the Day. I suggest setting a timer to go off every 30-45…

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