Real Estate

Visa credit card review for bad credit

As a consumer, when choosing the right credit card for you, you need to consider a number of things. For example, do you make your payments on time every month? Or do you need to rebuild your credit? If you have bad credit and therefore bad credit, the best option available is a range of ‘secured’ credit cards. In general,…

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Real Estate

Identification of difficult people through BaZi profiles

In last week’s article, I discussed how a person’s BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) can be used to categorize them into one of the five basic types of BaZi Profile: Wealth, Influence, Production, Resource, and Companion. These profiles are derived by using a BaZi technique called Structures. I have also shared with you the various features, traits and types of…

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Real Estate

8 Things to Consider When Choosing a Strata Manager

Our insider tips on the questions to ask your potential Strata Manager. Good or bad, most people judge an entire strata agency by the working relationship they have with their strata manager. We’ve put together this short list of questions to ask yourself before making the decision to appoint a new Strata agent. How many buildings does the proposed new…

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Real Estate

Garbage Disposal: The Dangers of Garbage

Putting it in perspective, sometimes it makes sense to clean out your own attic, basement, or garage. If it’s just a few light boxes to move, go for it. However, there are other times when you will want to call in a junk removal specialist. Here are some considerations and why you should hire a junk removal company for office…

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Real Estate

Excessive Turnover Management (ET)

This topic is brought up time and time again. Some retailers have more open store manager and assistant manager positions than they have filled. Take a look at online job sites and you’ll see that even big, well-known retailers are trying to fill positions that should be filled with in-house candidates. In fact, if there were a strong internal promotion…

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Real Estate

success is subjective

Each of us has a desire to achieve something in life. Some of these desires are unique to each individual, while others are common among us. Most of us like to be rich, have an important position in society, or want to have our dream home, job, or life partner. When we have someone else who has one of the…

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Real Estate

Determining the Size of a Production Run

Whenever an order is placed with a factory abroad, an important decision is always the size of the production. Numerous factors must be taken into account when deciding on the size of an order. Here’s a look at some of them. The amount that can be invested in production is an obvious factor. With economies of scale, it is best…

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