Real Estate

Identification of difficult people through BaZi profiles

In last week’s article, I discussed how a person’s BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) can be used to categorize them into one of the five basic types of BaZi Profile: Wealth, Influence, Production, Resource, and Companion.

These profiles are derived by using a BaZi technique called Structures. I have also shared with you the various features, traits and types of each profile and I hope you managed to try my BaZi Profiler on my website.

This week, I want to share with you some thoughts on handling each of these five profile types, but within the context of the extreme versions of each type.

When a person manifests an extreme version of their BaZi profile type (an occurrence caused by an imbalance in the elements of the BaZi table), it becomes very difficult to handle.

They become those difficult clients or clients, employees, bosses and shareholders: “the Difficult ones”. Difficult people are inevitable in the business world. Therefore, it is important to figure out how to effectively manage these people.

This is where BaZi Profiling comes in handy. By determining what type of extreme profile a difficult person possesses, you can not only determine which individuals are likely to be difficult people, but you can also determine HOW that difficult person’s “difficult” will manifest itself.

elemental extremists

From last week’s article, we know that there are five basic BaZi profiles: Wealth, Influence, Production, Resources, and Partner. In certain cases, a basic BaZi profile becomes an “extreme” variant.

Here, the negative characteristics of each type of profile will manifest themselves more strongly than the positive characteristics. For example, we know that people with a wealth profile are responsible, organized, and diligent workers.

A person with the Extreme Wealth Profile becomes a control freak, unable or unwilling to delegate and having a hard time letting go. An extremely wealthy employee profile causes organizational friction from overwork and thus puts pressure on staff or co-workers to match their level of productivity.

Let’s see how the “extreme” variants of each of those profile types would manifest themselves and how best to deal with these people.

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll refer to the extreme manifestations of each of these five basic profile types as Extreme Wealth, Extreme Influence, Extreme Production, Extreme Resources, and lastly, Extreme Partner.

Extreme Wealth Profile: Control freaks, poor delegation skills, too responsible, unable to be a team player. Use intimidation, power play, and intimidation tactics to get your way. Highly critical and often hold others to their own standards, which are often absurdly high. Extreme perfectionists.

Extreme Exit Profile: know-it-all, highly critical, unresponsive to suggestions, big picture type, blunt and blunt, selfish, superiority/God complex. Show a strong preference for the new and untried, willing to try unconventional approaches or tactics. Contrary extreme approach. lone rangers.

Extreme resource profile: procrastinators, overthinkers, pedantic, devious thoughts or approaches, unable to commit or make a “big decision”, complainers, people who reject responsibility, do not step up and seek to hide their mistakes. Poor concentration, fuzzy thinking, and a lack of guts. Forgetful, prone to losing important documents and overlooking details.

Extreme Partner Profile: Too nice so they don’t do anything because they can’t get anyone to do anything. Little tolerance for conflict. Bland and devoid of any opinion or thought. Yes, men, even when they can’t deliver. Never lead, prefer to follow. Cunning as they tend to complain behind your back. Poor decision making skills. Lacking in guts and afraid of offending people.

What I have outlined above are the general outlines of each Extreme variant of the five basic profiles. The power dynamics of your relationship with this Difficult Person will usually produce a more accurate picture of how your “difficult” will manifest.

For example, a top profile of extreme wealth will have difficulty delegating and may micromanage excessively. An Extreme Wealth client would be extremely focused on squeezing as many benefits as possible for the lowest cost (an extreme manifestation of responsible financial attitudes) while demanding daily updates on what is happening with their project or work.

Next time: how to deal with the “difficulty” of each type of Extreme profile.

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