
Red Crystals and Gemstones: Healing Properties of Carnelian and Red Garnet

Ancient Egyptian Carnelian Renewal Fountain Known as the Artist’s Stone, it activates creativity, possibly uncovering hidden talents or latent gifts. It is an excellent stone for relieving depression, grounding, general well-being; helps to focus thoughts, intensify concentration, increase physical energy. Being part of the red crystal and gemstone family, it resonates with both the root or base chakra and the…

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Greyhound racing – a great day out for the family

Greyhound Racing is a sport that involves dog racing, much like horse racing. The goal is to see which dog can complete the track the fastest. This sport is most prominent in the countries of the UK, USA, Ireland, Australia, Spain, China and Mexico, although it has been restricted in many countries and in many US states. The first known…

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The anonymous Asmodeus ((Old Testament Demon) (Poetic Prose))

You don’t hear much of him these days, but he is present, has been around for a long time, the ancient demon, Asmodeus, a baleful, mummy-like creature from abyss. And this is a story of his nature, consciousness and his presence. As in a pestilential mist, it slowly obstructs its path, assimilated through a muddy riverbed into dreams in the…

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Live casino and live dealers

One major trend that is catching up these days is that of online gaming. From simplistic shooting games, car racing, etc. (which, of course, are still popular with many); the focus is now on games like casino. From mere casino games involving a single player, now the games have become more interesting and dynamic by the new concept of LIVE…

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Trendy school flare for your night out

You don’t need a college education in fashion to dress for a night on the town (although it might help), but things can still get a little confusing when you’re getting ready for a special night out. The tides of fashion are turning faster than ever, and the last thing you want is to show up at the door of…

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Advantages of using a driving simulator in driver training

Although the use of a driving simulator in driver training has many advantages for the student, driving instructors are often hesitant to use one. Students sometimes prefer to start their training in a real car and think of a simulator as a game. However, a driving simulator is definitely not a game – you learn the skills you need to…

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Why Christians Hijacked Pagan Festivals

Many of the so-called Christian festivals that we celebrate today were originally pagan celebrations marking special times/days in the annual cycle of the seasons. They were taken over by the Christians, or, to be more specific, by the Catholic Church, during the second half of the first millennium AD This is why they chose to adapt the pagan holidays to…

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