Lifestyle Fashion

Brazilian jiu jitsu is much more than a martial art

In a mobile world, there are better ways to pass the time for both men and women that are healthier and safer than activities that involve an electronic keyboard and strange loud noises. Friendly challenges offer a means of interaction that is challenging and fun. Let’s take a look at how Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is much more than just a Martial Arts activity.

Everyday society seems intent on destroying self-esteem instead of building it. A single off-the-cuff comment can crush self-esteem in an instant. Respect comes from within, and self-dealing doctrines isolate those character traits that crave acceptance. Self-respect must come first before someone can respect others.

One of the best rewards of activities designed to build self-esteem is the general improvement in health. Cardiovascular problems improve even with the slightest physical exertion to help tone muscles and relieve stress. You don’t need to lift hundreds of pounds to achieve optimal body tone, just the required mental concentration helps muscle coordination.

The typical daily habits of most people include little more than sleeping, getting dressed for work, spending the day doing mundane tasks, and coming home to repeat the same schedule, day after day. There is little room for competition and certainly no opportunity to participate in a spectator sport. Passive martial arts activities provide that edge where progress is the goal.

Although competition is a good thing, success is not measured by the number of opponents a practitioner has caught on the canvas. It is a state of progress in personal achievements including control of the body, timing, and finesse. People of all ages benefit from the doctrine of self-awareness and how well they master control of their bodies. Children are not the only ones who benefit.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, inspired by a Japanese sport called Jodo, is primarily about using the other person’s advances for self-defense. Instead of running away from an aggressor, the goal is to engage with him in a grappling and submission grappling manner. Points are scored for the speed and duration of submissive holds, making this a passive sport in the martial arts genre.

Coping with daily life ranges from boring to scary, and in any case, there is always room for improvement. In some ways, martial arts are a lot like isometrics, where controlled muscle movements result in weight loss and self-confidence. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu offers a challenging activity that tests both mind and body.

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