Shopping Product Reviews

Battle of the bulge

We’ve all heard of the Christmas bundle. It’s the time between Thanksgiving and New Years Day when people get so preoccupied with the holidays, gift shopping, and holidays that they inevitably gain weight. But is it really inevitable or is it just one more excuse? Health clubs love the months after that time of year. The general population is soft and plump and disgusted with their appearance and they want the magic cure, so they buy weight loss pills, join a local gym, and start working out to burn off all those extra pounds. Unfortunately, most people never reach their goals and all they do is undo most of the damage created while on vacation. They go by year after year and they continue to grow bigger and bigger, eventually giving up entirely on claiming that “I can’t lose weight” or “it didn’t work for me.” What is it that leads us to such failure as a society?

Let’s face it, as a population we are growing more and more and what is worse is that it is even happening to our children. As a result, diabetes and other obesity-related health problems are on the rise. Our already overburdened health care system has to address more and more health problems. The public is clamoring for better medicines and better health care, but the problem or the solution is found in our health system, but in each and every one of us. Can you imagine what it would be like if each person took full responsibility for their own health? There would be no health crisis. The cost of emergency medical care would be drastically reduced because there would no longer be so much waste. We would be much more productive as a society. The cases of depression would almost disappear. The pharmaceutical industry would be less powerful and influential. People would feel better, look better, and live better.

To achieve this goal, it is up to each and every one of us to accept the challenge and also be an example for our families. Have you noticed that most children eat the way their parents do? As parents, it is critical that we lead by example for the sake of our children and give them the opportunity to enter adulthood in great health rather than relying on medications and a lack of energy to handle the important tasks at hand. they will demand of them. Childhood should be a wonderful time in life. It saddens me to see children suffer from a self-image problem or lack of self-esteem because their eating is out of control. Others require regular visits to the doctor and daily doses of medications to control diabetes, hyperactivity, allergies, or other disorders. Our children are our future. Let’s give them the best.

I have often heard people promise themselves that they are going to start eating healthy and exercising, but put one condition first. For example, a man might say, “I’m going to start exercising as soon as I finish organizing the garage.” A woman might say, “I’ll go to the gym and get my body back when my child starts preschool.” The fact is that they are not committed and there will always be another excuse to get in the way of what is truly important. If you only spent a half hour three days a week doing medium to high intensity exercise, you would start to see noticeable changes. If you make small changes to your eating habits on a daily basis, you will soon find yourself eating totally differently and feeling and looking much better. A marathon is run step by step. Take steps in the right direction in the marathon of life and you will change your life.

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