Lifestyle Fashion

Ascariasis – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment


ascariasis it is a human disease. It is caused by the parasitic roundworm name as roundworm. Perhaps up to a quarter of the world’s population is infected, and ascariasis is particularly prevalent in tropical regions and in areas with poor hygiene. Other species of the genus Ascaris They are parasites and can cause disease in pets.

However, they can be accompanied by inflammation, fever, and diarrhea, and serious problems can develop if the worms migrate to other parts of the body.


Ascariasis is the most common roundworm infection. It is found in association with poor personal hygiene, poor sanitation. In many developing countries, human feces are used as fertilizer, or poor sanitation facilities allow human waste to mix with local soil in yards, ditches, and fields. The eggs can survive in the soil for years to re-infect members of the community. The eggs infect their hosts when humans eat the contaminated vegetables and fruits grown in that soil. The larvae are carried through the lungs and then into the throat where they are swallowed. Once swallowed, they reach the intestines and develop into adult worms. During movement through the lungs, the larvae can produce a rare form of pneumonia called eosinophilic pneumonia.

It is estimated that one billion people are infected worldwide. Ascariasis occurs at all ages, although children seem to be more affected than adults.


Although there may be no symptoms, the greater the number of worms involved in the infestation, the more severe the child’s symptoms will be. Children are more likely than adults to develop gastrointestinal symptoms because they have smaller intestines and are at higher risk of developing intestinal obstruction. The following symptoms may be seen with a mild infestation:

  • worms in stool
  • coughing up worms
  • loss of appetite
  • fever
  • wheezing
  • vomiting
  • difficulty breathing
  • abdominal distension
  • severe stomach or abdominal pain
  • intestinal obstruction
  • biliary tract obstruction

More than 796 Ascaris lumbricoides worms weighing 550 g [19 ounces] they were recovered in the autopsy of a 2-year-old South African girl. The worms had caused torsion and gangrene of the ileum, which was interpreted as the cause of death.


Antiparasitic drugs (anthelmintics) are the first line of treatment for ascariasis. The most common are mebendazole (Vermox), albendazole (Albenza), and pyrantel. These medications work by killing the adult worms as well as the larvae and eggs to prevent reinfection. You may have mild gastrointestinal side effects during the course of treatment and may need to take multiple doses to get rid of the infestation completely.

There are some recent studies in the medical literature that suggest that sun-dried papaya seeds can greatly reduce infections. The adult dose is one tablespoon of the seed powder in a glass of sugar water once a week for two weeks.

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