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Army Interview Questions and Answers

During the Army selection process, you will be required to complete a series of interviews at both AFCO and ADSC. The information I have provided in this article will be of great help to you during your preparation for both sets of interviews.

The Army will use a set scoring sheet for its interviews and the questions will be based on a set of specific criteria. The questions will vary from interview to interview, but the core elements are designed to assess your suitability for joining the service. The following is a list of areas that you may be asked questions about during your interview with the Army and I would recommend that you use them as a basis for your preparation:

– The reasons why you want to join the Army.

– The reasons why you have chosen your particular job, trade and Regiment.

– What information you already know about the Army, your chosen Regiment and the lifestyle and training.

– Information about your hobbies and interests, including sports activities.

– Any personal responsibilities you currently have at home, school, or work.

– Information about your family and what they think about you joining the Army. They support you?

– Information based on your initial application form.

– Your work and educational experience and whether or not you have had any responsibilities at home or at work.

– Your emotional stability and your maturity.

– Your drive and determination to succeed.

– Any experience you have of working as part of a team.

– Their attitude towards physical exercise and team sports.

– Have a positive reaction to the disciplined environment.

– His knowledge of life within the Army.

I have now provided you with a sample interview question and answer. This will act as a good base for your preparation. However, it is important to note at this stage that the answers you provide during the interview should be based solely on your own experiences and opinions.

SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTION #1 Why do you want to join the military?

This is an almost guaranteed question during your Army interview, so there should be no reason why you can’t answer it positively. Try to show motivation when answering questions of this nature. The Army is looking for people who want to become professional members of their team and who understand the Army way of life. By studying the Army recruiting literature and the Army website, you will understand what a life of service is all about. He wants to be a member of the British Army and is drawn to what it has to offer. If his family has pushed him to join, then he should not apply.

SAMPLE ANSWER TO QUESTION NUMBER 1 Why do you want to join the Army?

“I have wanted to join the Army for a number of years and feel I have now reached a part of my life where I am ready to commit to service. Having studied the Army recruiting literature and visited the Army website, I am impressed for the professionalism and standards imposed by the service.

I would like a career that is fulfilling, challenging, and rewarding, and I believe the Army will provide all of this. I enjoy staying physically fit and active and believe that with the right training I would be a great team member. I am also very attracted to the fact that the Army offers a wide variety of careers.

The fact that I would be upgrading my education and ending up with an exchange is just another example of why I want to join the service. I have seriously considered the implications that joining a service such as the Army would have on both my personal and social life and discussed them with my family. They have given me their full support and commitment to help me achieve my goal of joining the Army.”

You really should take the time to prepare your answers to each army interview question before you attend the interview, because the higher you rank, the more job opportunities you have.

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