
Are you able to control your child’s cell phone addiction?

With the technological advancement that the world is facing today, everyone is hooked on it. Unfortunately, this is not very good news, especially if children are involved.

Many people believe that the mobile phone is already part of their lives. In fact, all your official transactions are easily done through a cell phone (cell). I personally would attest to this. Through my cell phone, I can communicate with my family 24/7 wherever they or I are. On top of that, the institutions I’ve applied to don’t call me on my landline number listed on my resume. Instead they send me a text. Without my cell phone, how could I get a job? Without a cell phone, how could people close to me track where I am?

However, there is a bigger problem here. As adults, we serve as role models for children. They do what we do and they also want to use what we use. Since most kids have their own cell phones, it would definitely be hard to convince them that they pretty much don’t need them as much as we do. However, reality bites. Children are more outgoing now, and if they were deprived of a simple cell phone, they would probably feel abandoned by their friends.

In general, I think we all have to adapt to technological advancement. However, parents should remember that they will have a great responsibility in controlling their children’s cell phone use. There must be a suitable time and place for its use. For example, it can be prohibited during meals, class hours or during study time. Children should also know the reasons behind the rule, and not just because “You said so.” By doing this, children will be trained to follow simple rules and regulations, which in turn can lead them to become responsible adults in the future.

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