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8 reasons why you find it difficult to strike the right tone

Are you struggling to hit the right pitch?

If you’re not singing a song with a good key, everyone can hear it. Whether it’s too sharp or too flat on certain notes will make or break a song. Imagine if you were listening to a band play and the instruments were out of tune. The song may be recognizable, but it’s certainly not that pleasant to listen to under such circumstances. Well, if you’re a singer, there is a cure. Try following the suggestions below and see if there is room for improvement.

1. You may actually be screaming. Especially when the song requires us to play higher notes, some of us tend to turn up the volume to try to project those notes. Although his tone may be close to correct. Yelling not only affects the masses with your singing pitch, but it can also damage your vocal cords.

2. You have to stand up straight. Poor posture can have a negative effect on your singing voice. When you’re looking for the right pitch in a song. The reason is simple. Good tone requires the right amount of airflow. When you have poor posture, you prevent this from happening, which affects your ability to create the right tone.

3. Find another key or find another song. Just because we really like the song doesn’t mean it’s right for us. Plain and simple, your vocal range and ability will dictate the songs we should sing. If you are singing in a band. Changes the key the song is in. If not, maybe you need to move on.

4. Consider getting ear training. If you want to play the correct pitches, you must be able to correctly identify and blend the notes. Start by playing the notes on a guitar or piano and practice listening and then singing along with them, making adjustments along the way.

5. Slow down as you exhale. Blowing too fast and aggressively will cause your pitch to go up, out of tune. Use your diaphragm to control the flow of air past your vocal cords. Control is the key.

6. Change voice records. In other words, you want to use your chest voice to play lower notes and your head voice to play higher notes.

Know the difference between the two.

7. Keep your tongue out of your throat. Again, blocking the flow of air will not allow the vocal cords to vibrate as they should. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep your tongue in a forward position with the tip touching your teeth. This helps you play the correct notes.

8. Stage fright. If the idea of ​​singing makes you extremely nervous, that is the case when you are in public. You may need to find a way to boost your confidence. Instead of doubting yourself and failing. See yourself already succeeding. Otherwise, you increase your chances of losing tone.

Hopefully, some of the points mentioned will allow you to not only improve your ability to play the correct pitches, but also help you build your confidence in singing.

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