Lifestyle Fashion

5 home remedies to beat period pain

Are you afraid that your menstrual period is approaching? Does it irritate you, give you cramps, make you weak and uncomfortable? Menstruating women face many problems ranging from cravings to pain and bodily discomfort. While you can’t completely prevent them from happening, there are home remedies that will help lessen the extent of these menstrual problems and help you live those five days like any other normal day. It is common to feel discomfort around the abdomen, lower back, and thighs when you are menstruating. During your period, the muscles in your uterus contract and relax to help shed the built-up lining. Sometimes you will experience cramps, which are the muscles that work. Some women and girls may also experience nausea, vomiting, headaches, or diarrhea.

* Hot water bottle

The dreaded effect of having your period is cramps. Nobody wants to feel like someone stabs their abdomen multiple times over several hours. For relief, apply a warm compress to your lower back and abdomen. The heat will help alleviate some of the cramps. Applying heat to the abdomen and lower back can relieve pain. A 2012 study focused on women ages 18 to 30 who had regular menstrual cycles and found that a 104 ° F (40 ° C) heat patch was as effective as ibuprofen.

* Get more calcium

Cramps can be reduced by increasing calcium intake from food. Remember to include dairy products or calcium supplements in your diet.

* Fish oil

Fish oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory properties. Taking a fish oil capsule every day helps keep menstrual cramps at bay.

* Camomile tea

Chamomile, an antidepressant and nerve relaxant, is a life saver. Drinking a few cups of chamomile tea helps calm cramps and makes you relax during your periods. Massage therapy for about 20 minutes can help reduce menstrual pain. One study looked at women with period pain caused by endometriosis. The researchers found that massages significantly reduced pain immediately and afterward. Massage therapy for menstruation involves pressing specific points while the therapist’s hands move around your abdomen, side, and back. Drinking chamomile tea increases urinary glycine levels, which helps relieve muscle spasms. Glycine also acts as a nerve relaxant.

* Banana flower

If you suffer from heavy bleeding, include a large amount of banana flower in your diet as it is rich in progesterone, which can help normalize hormones and stop heavy bleeding.

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