Home Kitchen

Why bamboo is a better choice for cabinets

Cabinets come in many different materials and colors. One option that is gaining in popularity is bamboo bathroom cabinets. They offer many advantages over other types of cabinet materials, making them the preferred choice for bathroom and kitchen upgrades.

Bamboo offers individuality and a unique aesthetic to homes. They are different from other cabinets, both visually and beneficially. Bamboo is a strong and hard material that is highly sustainable and a natural resource.

The material is also a better alternative to standard mass-produced cabinets. Mass-produced products are typically made up primarily of particleboard and medium-density fiberboard. However, bamboo cabinets are mainly made up of solid bamboo or bamboo plywood, which is a stronger material than other standard woods.

Bamboo also comes in many different colors and grains and can even be stained to look like natural wood. Some people shy away from bamboo because they are concerned that it will look like cheesy old-school furniture. But bamboo cabinets are beautiful and natural looking.

Although it is tough, durable and sustainable, bamboo is actually grass and not wood. It is hard and strong, used for centuries and today in many cultures as the first building material. It is highly renewable and sustainable, which makes it one of the best options for home cabinets.

Bamboo can grow and mature in seven years and sometimes sooner. This is very different from hardwood trees that take decades to reach the age for timber harvesting. The bamboo plant will still be intact after the stems are harvested. This allows the regeneration of new stocks for future harvests. Hardwood trees are consumed at harvest and cannot grow back for decades.

With proper management, bamboo is a valuable building material because it can be supplied quickly and sustainably, making it the perfect eco-friendly choice for wardrobes. The hardness also makes it perfect for floors as well as cabinets. Cabinet doors and frames will dent over time. This means that harder materials work better for cabinets than softer ones.

Another great benefit of bamboo is that it is dimensionally stable. This means that it does not swell or shrink as much as wood. This is an advantage in bathrooms due to high humidity levels. Steam from hot showers and sink splashes often cause wood to swell and cause drawers and doors to stick. With bamboo, this does not happen.

When shopping for bamboo cabinets, homeowners should look for quality construction. Good construction will increase the longevity of the cabinet and overall satisfaction. Pay attention to features that provide durability and quality. Most mass-produced cabinets are made from particle board, a flimsy material that won’t hold up well in your home.

Bamboo panels are designed with adhesives, so choose a cabinet supplier that uses low-formaldehyde or formaldehyde-free bamboo. They can be custom built units or RTA (ready to assemble) units. RTAs are easier and cheaper because people install them on their own. They are shipped in a knock down format and are designed to be easily assembled and installed.

Adhesives and cabinet finish should be considered. The low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) finish and low formaldehyde content will create a greener, healthier indoor air environment. Also remember that bamboo comes from distant geographical locations. So if your goal is green, keep in mind that the energy costs of transportation and the environmental impact increase the material that would otherwise be renewable.

Bamboo is known to be eco-friendly. However, when harvested early, the material will develop substandard properties. Improper management and increased demand for bamboo threaten its sustainability. Be sure to talk to the supplier of the cabinet to better understand where the bamboo comes from and how it is processed. This ensures that the material is of quality and from reliable sources.

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