
Use natural remedies to teach those pests a natural treatment for lice

Head lice are an infestation that almost every household has had to deal with, at least once in their life. Just talking about lice makes us want to scratch our heads because of that phantom itch. And if our kids come home from school with a letter from the school nurse of ‘Lice Confirmed’, we feel like screaming. Lice are definitely a threat, but not one that warrants burning down the house (or even the mattresses). There are ways to fight the plague without going crazy.

What methods to use to combat an infestation?

Well, first of all, don’t buy any over-the-counter products. These shampoos and conditioners consist of toxic chemicals like permethrin, DEET, etc. that are harmful to our children. On the other hand, lice have become resistant to these and other pesticides that are used. Instead of harming only our children and not the lice with them; use natural products. There are certified natural treatments for lice that you can use and get rid of lice permanently, without hurting children in the least.

How to do this the natural way?

The best way to fight an infestation is to use the method our mothers used. This usually included lathering our hair with oil and then using a fine tooth comb to hand prick. However, this pulled our hair and made us run away instead of standing still and letting her do her job. You can use this method, but do it better so that your children are not so fidgety. Wash their hair first, this softens them and they pull less. Follow with conditioner and then comb your hair lock by lock with a steel nit comb. It would work even better if you use Lice Shampoo and Lice Conditioner. Make sure they are made up of natural ingredients and essential oils. If you buy a good natural lice removal treatment pack, it will also include a leave-in toner. Put it on your kid’s hair to make sure lice stay away. You also get head lice that you may have missed while picking nits.

Other natural lice removal methods

Many people have claimed that suffocating lice is an effective way to eliminate them. Items such as garlic, salt, olive oil, baby oil, coconut oil, petroleum jelly, tea tree oil, white vinegar, sesame seed oil, and mayonnaise have been used for the same. The basic procedure is the same for all of these. Making a mixture for the solids, or using the oils as is, we lather the infested person’s hair and then cover their head with a shower cap. The oil (or the mixture) is then left overnight. Lice breathe through their body’s pores and the oil clogs them, effectively suffocating them. The next day, wash her hair with regular / lice shampoo and a damp comb with a fine tooth comb. Although many people claim that these methods work, doctors recommend not relying on them entirely.

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