
Trash the Thrush, Yeast Infection in the Mouth

Many of us have already heard of vaginal yeast infection caused by a fungus called candida. There are other infections caused by this fungus and it is candidiasis, a thrush. Yeast infection mainly affects infants and young children, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems. The Candida fungus is present in the mouth, digestive tract and skin to a lesser extent and is normally controlled by other bacteria in the body.

And what causes yeast infection?

Diseases such as diabetes, HIV infection, cancer, and dry mouth can lead to yeast growth. Stress is also one of the factors. Certain medications that cause an imbalance in the candida fungus are corticosteroids, antibiotics, and birth control pills. Also, the infection will develop in people with uncontrolled diseases or in pregnant women. Smokers do not get rid of this infection of the mouth, as well as those who wear dentures that do not fit well. Also, babies can develop thrush, but they can be treated right away; however, it can be persistent for a longer period.

Do you know the symptoms of oral yeast infection?

A common symptom of yeast infection is creamy white bumpy lesions on the mouth, roof of the mouth, tongue, or inside the cheeks, gums, tonsils, or back of the throat. The lesions are very painful and bleed when you try to scrape them or brush your teeth. In severe cases, the lesions can spread to the esophagus and cause pain or difficulty swallowing and even cause a fever. Yeast can infect the lungs, liver, and skin of people with low immune systems due to cancer, HIV, and the like.

How did doctors diagnose oral yeast infections?

The dentist will examine these white lesions on the mouth, tongue, and cheeks and can then make his diagnosis. For infection that spreads to the esophagus, a throat culture is done for use in laboratory tests or to perform an endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.

How do we treat oral yeast infection?

There are prescription antifungal medications that must be taken for 10 to 14 days to treat yeast infection. These are available in tablets, pills, or in liquid form. Your dentist will work out a precise treatment method based on your age and the cause of the infection. He will also advise the patient to see a doctor for further testing because this infection can be a symptom of other medical problems to ensure they are properly treated.

How do we prevent yeast infection?

We can always prevent thrush by practicing proper oral hygiene. That means you need to brush your teeth two to three times a day. Mouthwashes and oral sprays can cause an imbalance in the microorganism in the mouth, so try to minimize them or avoid their use. Get a regular dental checkup if you have diabetes or wear dentures. Minimize the consumption of sugar and foods that trigger yeast growth. Avoid smoking, or if so, start quitting to avoid yeast infection.

In general, we have learned that yeast infection can be prevented and controlled. Except, of course, for those who have special medical conditions, special attention should be paid. By knowing its causes, symptoms, and diagnosis, treating thrush is very easy.

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