Shopping Product Reviews

Time – A Critical Factor in Network Marketing Success!


One of the most critical aspects when choosing a company is time. You want to ask: “What is the moment within the market and within the company?”

All businesses, traditional and network marketing, go through a phenomenon known as the “S” curve.
The “S” curve has four stages: formulation, concentration, drive, and stability.

Formulation: the time it takes for a company to take off. This is when the company’s products or services are introduced to the market. During this stage, there is slow and steady growth and the company is working out problems. However, many businesses fail at this stage. This stage can last from 1 to 2 years.

Concentration – During this stage, usually before reaching $100,000,000 in sales per year, the company will either work out the problems to achieve momentum or fail. This is an ideal time to join a company, but keep an eye on how ownership/management handles this stage. This stage can last from 2 to 3 years.

Momentum/Growth: This is where the magic happens for the few companies that can pull it off. The company’s products gain acceptance, and overall sales grow from $50 million a year to more than half a billion. Typically, this is the phase where a company begins to move toward critical mass. Word is getting out about the product or company and people are starting to jump on the bandwagon.

Stability/Maturity: Once the product reaches saturation point, it will generally stabilize or decline.
Keep in mind that in the network marketing industry, only eight companies have reached $1 billion in sales a year. Therefore, the level at which the company reaches stability/maturity will vary depending on the demand for the product, the marketing plan, and the strength of the company’s leadership.

When do you foresee the ‘tipping point’? In his book The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Malcolm Gladwell describes the “tipping point.” It is the name given to that moment in an epidemic when a virus reaches critical mass. It is the boiling point. It is the moment on the chart when the line starts to shoot up. Having an anticipation of the number of months before this happens allows you to strategize about it.

Does the company have Energy or ‘Magic’? When a company is growing and growing, there is a buzz of excitement and magic surrounding the opportunity that will drive your efforts forward. It doesn’t guarantee your success, but your efforts will go further.

Millionaires have been made in this industry ONLY by time. Nothing more. I will take the time about hard work every time.

So how can time be measured?

It’s not easy, but here are some tips:

1. Determine your level of risk. If you’re risk averse, don’t waste a lot of time, money, and energy by getting in too early. A large percentage of these businesses fail in the first year or two.

2. Don’t be too late. You will waste a lot of time, money and energy by being too late. If the company is a household name, its momentum growth period occurred years ago. It’s been done, but you’ll find the job an uphill climb at companies like this.

3. You want to get in AFTER a company has shown it has staying power, but BEFORE its momentum growth period. If you can find a company like this, and one that also has the other parts of the formula in place, row like hell to stay ahead of the wave.

Here are some additional questions you may want to consider:

1. Is there a global expansion plan? If so, what is it?

2. How easily will the product expand in a global market?

3. Since all countries have their own standards and regulations for product requirements, consider how easily the product can cross borders.

The bottom line is that you want to research as much as possible about a company’s timing before you join. There are many other factors to consider, but good timing is a must.

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