
The Surprising Benefits of Shipping Container Architecture

One of the hottest trends in homebuilding in quite some time, shipping container homes have proven to be much more than just a fad. Used for basic and luxurious living, the idea has caught fire in several US cities. Some developers even believe that these low-cost housing solutions can draw home-hungry millennials out of their apartments. With that in mind, here are some indisputable advantages of this new form of housing.


According to recent figures, there are as many as 700,000 empty shipping containers across the country. Whether you buy them or get them for free, these metal boxes are much less expensive than building a frame house from scratch. And because they’re already in the right shape to be reused in homes, nearly all of the structural work required when building a home is eliminated. Estimated cost savings are in the neighborhood of 20 percent or more.


As we mentioned, there is no shortage of these containers in America. Reusing these metal boxes as homes would save a tremendous amount of energy that would otherwise be wasted moving and melting them. It would also save energy on building materials and the construction needed to frame the house.


Designed to withstand the harsh conditions of road, rail and sea travel, shipping containers are incredibly strong. Not only can they safely store tens of thousands of pounds, but they can also support the weight of other loaded containers when stacked during freight shipping. As a result, these steel boxes are much stronger than ordinary bricks. They can easily survive most earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters without structural damage, making them a superior building solution in areas that experience extreme weather conditions.


While it is possible to build a house out of a shipping container on your own, most people who need a place to live hire a specialized construction company to do it for them. Unlike DIYers, these future homeowners want a real, functional home, rather than a weekend project. That means installing plumbing, electrical, insulation, and a firm foundation. Because these boxes give builders a solid structure to work with, professionals can get started right away with interior and exterior necessities and conveniences.


The average 40-foot-long shipping container has exactly 320 square feet of living space, which is about the size of a small studio apartment in a large American city. And while that’s too small for a home, more boxes mean more space. For example, a recent shipping container house project used four shipping containers, placing them side by side to create a 1,280 foot abode. While not as large as the average American home, it was comfortable enough to contain three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a large kitchen. Not bad for a house made from recycled steel boxes!

Cheaper, stronger and better for the environment than regular housing, shipping container homes may be the way of the future.

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