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Student-oriented teaching method

What is the student-oriented teaching method? By definition and in the real sense, it can be defined as the practice that requires students to take a large part of the responsibility for showing concern, applying understanding and making sense of what they have been taught and learned. It focuses on students in exploration, assessment, problem solving, and information processing.

The following points are the benefit of student-oriented teaching in the education sector:

Maximize student participation through immersion in activities and personal reflection.

It opposes specific needs and knowledge discrepancies.

Use methods that are tailored to the learning style of the students.

Strives to stay relevant to course content.

This oriented teaching method engages students in pair or small group discussions in which they must quickly draw main ideas from the reading, frame research projects, and assess the accuracy and spirit of a report. To design a product, interpret numerical data that speak of tables, graphs and charts, students have the freedom to show their ability in any subject with complete freedom by using class time to host performances and presentation of the student’s original work in field. music, theater, film, fashion design, painting, carving, drawing, graphics and other creative work and allow time for formal criticism.

Furthermore, the student-oriented teaching method involves students in implementation, planning, and evaluation. Teachers should feel comfortable changing their leadership style from directive to advisory.

The following points are the ways in which students can fully orient themselves through teaching:

Students must be allowed to participate in decision-making: it is very important that all teachers put students at the center of their own learning that requires collaboration. They must understand the importance of the topic, vocabulary, and skills through investment of effort.

They must be given the ability to lead. Students should have the opportunity to take charge of the activities, even if they do not have all the content skills. They are known as consummate consumers in education. In schools, students experience math, science, English, history, and other subjects.

Three characteristics of learner-centered teaching (students)

1. Engages the student in the hard and complicated work of learning: This causes the teacher to perform many learning tasks for the students. They ask the question, call the students, and even give details of their answers. review and preview are done here.

2. Includes explicit skill instruction. Here, students are taught how to think, solve complications, evaluate suggestions, analyze disputes, generate theories. It is not assumed that students simply acquire all the skills on their own.

3. Help students reflect on their learning: Here students are encouraged to accept responsibility for the decisions they make about learning. Students’ assumptions are questioned about how they study for tests, reading, assignment mechanisms in which students reflect, evaluate and critique what they are learning and how they are learning it.

In conclusion, teachers should teach students with the teacher’s class teaching, but they should be taught in a simple, understandable and communicative way for effective understanding.

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