
Standard Vs Convertible Crib

In preparing for the arrival of our first child, my husband and I have done a lot of research on cribs. This is one of the most important purchases we will make for our baby, so we want to make the right decision. So far, it’s been pretty overwhelming, but for us, the biggest question has been whether we need a convertible crib or a standard crib. It seems like most stores are pushing you towards the convertible, and I couldn’t blame them once I saw the price tag on one of those pups, but do we really need one?

To help me decide, being the planner that I am, I made a list of pros and cons of each. In case other new parents are wondering the same thing, I thought it might be helpful to share. When I started shopping, I thought it was a no-brainer to choose a convertible crib. I mean, it converts to a toddler bed and then to a twin or full size bed. We would never have to buy another bed again. But after further reflection, I began to see some merit in standard cribs. Typically, I am now overwhelmed by too much information.



Long Term Savings

Continuous Use

environmental friendly



save rails


Stuck in the same bed forever

The biggest advantage of a convertible crib is the long-term savings. While you’ll likely spend more money up front than on a standard crib, because these cribs convert to toddler beds and then twin or full-size beds, you won’t have to keep buying new beds for your growing child. . Often the toddler bed phase is skipped when moving from a standard crib to a bed for economic reasons. It is not used for a long time and can seem like a waste. But many children have a difficult transition when they go directly from crib to bed, so this toddler bed conversion is very convenient.

Another of the comforts offered by the convertible crib is space. If you plan to have more than one child, a crib is often used for a couple of years and then needs to be stored until you need it for the second child. With a convertible crib, the first child can continue to use it no matter how old they are when the second is born. This saves parents from having to search for storage space for a large crib. If your plan is to use one convertible crib for multiple children, be sure to check and make sure your particular crib can be converted upside down. Some cribs, once converted to full-size beds, cannot be converted back to cribs.

Convertible cribs are also friendly to our environment. There will be no need to throw them away as they can be used until the child leaves for college, so there is no waste.



cheaper up front

Flexible style (you can buy a new bed in a couple of years)

space saver


expensive in the long run

You have to buy a new bed for a growing child

The first obvious advantage to buying a standard crib is cost. Standard cribs are typically about half the cost of a convertible crib. So, especially for new parents who have tons of startup costs, it would be great to save money on a nursery staple. In theory, by the time our son outgrows the crib, our finances will have recovered from the initial blow (assuming he stops salivating over all the cute boutique baby clothes) and buying another bed would be feasible.

Don’t get me wrong though, not all standard cribs are cheap. In fact, there are many that are as much or more than a convertible crib. For me, the quality just doesn’t compare. If you buy a standard crib that is the same cost as a convertible crib, you will get a sturdier, higher quality piece of furniture.

Most of the other advantages of a standard crib are more like the disadvantages of a convertible crib. Standard cribs will save a bit of space since they don’t have bulky conversion rails that need to be stored away until use. It is suggested that you purchase all conversion kits with your convertible crib in case the manufacturer discontinues your crib before you are ready to convert it.

For me, the biggest advantage of a standard crib is that I don’t have to decide what style I want for my child’s room throughout his life, even before he is born. I’m too much of a design fanatic not to want to redecorate at some point, and I’m pretty sure that when my son outgrows the crib, I’ll be ready for a new look, including a new bed. Another downside to planning to keep the same bed forever is what if **gasp** your perfect son uses his crib as a teether? I have heard from so many parents that this has happened to them. When they were ready to turn his crib into a bed, it was covered in teeth marks from their sweet little angel with sharp teeth.

Overall, I feel like the market is pushing parents toward convertible cribs, not that it’s necessarily a bad thing. But I like to make my own decisions and not get carried away by the crowd. Searching Babies R’ Us, there are 298 convertible cribs to choose from and only 12 standard cribs. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of cribs. It’s a personal decision based on many different factors for all parents, so do what’s best for you and your growing family.

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