Real Estate

So what is the procedure for renting a house?

We all have a first time, right? No matter what it is, but there is a first time; we fidget a bit unsure if what we’re doing is right, the way it’s done, or if we’re on the right track.

Well, renting your first home is no different, or maybe it’s been so long since you last rented that you’ve forgotten about the application process.

Before I start explaining the process, it’s worth understanding that rentals can move very quickly, it’s not unusual for properties to renew in a day or two, so be prepared to make your decision quickly and be aware of your obligations on your property. current accommodation: Is it necessary to give 28 days notice, or is it only 14 days? Have you already given notice? It is imperative to know these deadlines.

Please note that some agencies may operate slightly differently, but essentially the order of events should be the same.

First, the leasing process:

The first thing, and this may seem strange to point out, is to see the property. Numerous people these days, due to the potential high demand at openings, will apply before viewing the property. However, we will not process any applications until the applicants have viewed the property.

Assuming you like what you see, then it’s time to submit an application. In most cases it is preferred to submit this via 1Form (the online provider we use for electronic application hosting), if you have attended a Christopher Russell Real Estate inspection and registered as we strongly recommend, there will be Received a notification following your inspection of the application procedure and a link to the easy-to-follow online form.

It is of great help to us if you notify the referees in advance. We do not want to leave employers on the “blind side”, etc. with our phone calls and it makes it much quicker to get a response if the referees comply with our questioning, which we find is always the case if they only have a short “notice”. Also be sure to double check that you have covered the 100 point verification, this will save us from having to come back to you for more information and further slow down the process.

Some properties can be very popular, so if you are really interested in renting the property, don’t hesitate: rentals can rotate in hours, let alone days.

Things to keep in mind when applying:

You can always offer less than the advertised price and you can always offer more; seems strange to offer more? should not; If there are half a dozen people at an open house and you want to get a “step up” on any other applicant, be sure to let the agent know that you can pay more if necessary or put a higher price on your application. Another important consideration is the move-in date: if someone applies to move in immediately, and the property is vacant, and your application indicates that you don’t want to occupy the property for another 3-4 weeks, then there’s a good chance your application is not accepted earlier than applicants who can move out sooner. I’m sure you can appreciate the cost of time.

Once you’ve submitted your application, please wait for your property manager to notify you via email where your application is in the process. Some apps will require more information and if this is the case you will be notified. Of course, if you’re not sure, you can always email us to make sure we did, in fact, receive the request, and we should be able to give you a time frame to give you an idea of ​​how long you’ll have to wait. Personally, I don’t get into trouble. If I get a good application, I go directly to the landlord so I can give prospective tenants a response within hours.

So let’s assume your request is successful; so what? Generally, we will notify you by phone, unless there is a reason we cannot contact you. We will follow up on this with an email formally offering you the property. This email will give you information about the payment of the deposit, the organization of the deposit and a time to sign the leases and hand over the keys.

Once you receive this email, the first and most important step is to pay the deposit. It is usually the first month’s rent. Until the deposit is paid, the property is still “on the market” and any further applications will be submitted to the owner. Once you’ve made your deposit (preferably electronically), send a receipt to your property manager.

It’s that easy! You are now well on your way to moving into your new home. Now it would be a good idea to download or print a checklist to help you with your relocation (easily found with a Google search).

Time to pick up the keys:

So you are ready to start your new rental and you are booked to pick up the keys from the agent. What you will need to do, if these items have not already been addressed, is to bring the voucher with you; this must be in the form of a bank check or money order and made payable to the RTBA, remember, it is your money, not the owner or agent and is held in trust for you by the RTBA.

Also, make sure everyone on the lease attends the meeting, especially if the leases have not yet been signed. Keys will not be released unless deposits have been paid, leases signed and security deposit check received.

You will also be given the Condition Report and a bunch of other useful information. While I know that the excitement of pending move-in will often overshadow the process of picking up the keys, it is imperative that you pay attention to any information provided to you by the property manager at the time, there will most likely be important things regarding your lease.

So that’s it, very simple actually. And remember; if you have any concerns, be sure to ask questions. There are no dumb questions, just dumb answers!

Enjoy your new home.

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